Chapter 12: The Speakeasy - Jay

Start from the beginning

Slipping the key into the door, Sue hops up and down.

She is very excited and I'm glad Sue is here with me tonight.

As the door opens, I turn on the lights and find a very sophisticated adult playroom. Everything in this room is gold, with black and white accent colors. Stepping further inside, Sue just stares and takes it all in while I smile at her reaction.

Oh, this is going to be fun.

Closing the door, she drops her purse on the ground and slowly walks forward. Sue goes directly to the wall of toys and just looks at each piece. She's silent, which is not like her, but Sue is very distracted at the moment.

Walking along the wall, she suddenly stops and picks up a very interesting massager. Sue turns to look at me with the biggest smile on her face and I just nod while making us each a drink at the wet bar.

Keeping my eyes on her, she continues around the room, then stops at the St. Andrew's cross. It's 2 very thick wooden beams, in the shape of an X, attached with black wrought iron fasteners. The piece is set inside an alcove and its back lit, giving the cross a golden glow. She walks around it and sees the mechanism which will lower it if need be.

All I can think is, yes, we will need to do that as well. Again, she looks at me, and I nod with a smirk.

Sue keeps going, sliding her hand along the white leather couch, and then finds her way over to the bench. She pulls on the iron shackles and opens the stockade. Feeling its hard-wooden exterior, Sue looks nervous, but then she caresses the piece. She sheepishly glances over at me, and I shake my head no.

Seeing her breathing easier, Susie nods and keeps going. This is all new to her, I can tell.

We will start slowly, kitten.

She then glides over to the giant bed and sees the shackles once more. With a quick turn, she looks at me with a smile. So again, I nod at this amazing woman.

Returning to the center of the room, Sue undoes the tie, takes her right, then left strap down. Watching her, the dress slides down her body as soft white bubbles do on wet skin, and I'm very aroused. She looks good enough to eat, but little Susie missed the pièce de résistance.

Slowly I walk over to this naked beauty, taking her gently by the arm. I walk her into the lavish jacuzzi area, which is set back into a nook in the room. It's already full and ready to be used. Ferns surround the tub along with several white candles that are lit all around the second alcove. Again, it gives it a warm feeling bathed in golden light. Lizzy asked if I wanted a Jacuzzi, and I felt this would be a good way to ease Sue into this world.

It was the first thing I noticed when walking into this spectacular room.

Taking her hand, Sue steps into the tub. She stands there silently as I undress for her. It's nothing she has not seen before, but I take my time as she watches me intensely. When I finally remove my shorts, I'm ready for her and she lays back into the water.

Pressing the button on the wall, the jets come alive in an instant. Sitting up with a shock, Sue is surprised by the force, as they do their job superbly. Then she grins at me as I step in and take my place behind her. Neither one of us says a word as I caress and bathe this gorgeous woman. We have the room all night, and I'm going to spend some quality time with Susan.

In the morning, when she wakes, I have breakfast waiting for her. Ordering everything I know she likes, and I added toast to the menu as well, because of our inside joke.

Sitting up, she smells the coffee and looks at me with a big grin while I take a bite of the toast.

She says to me, "Nice, really and truly nice, Jacob. This was wonderful, and I've never felt so pampered and pleasured in all my life. Thank you for doing this for me on your birthday."

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