Chapter 11: Now is the Time - Cal

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Driving home, it hits me... Maybe she was letting me go, and I was too stupid to understand what she was trying to say. All this time I've been waiting for her and she moved on.

Halfway to my house, I'm ready to just jerk the wheel because every song on the radio reminds me of her.

Why did I think she would wait for me to come for her? What an idiot I am to believe in love. After these past few years, seeing those women night after night, I should have known the truth about relationships. Everyone is just looking to get laid, and no one is reliable or trustworthy. Amelia told me this many times, but I would never have believed that she would be the one to teach me this hard lesson. Christ, what a fool I've been.

Walking in my door, I throw the keys on the kitchen counter and grab a beer from the fridge.

My God, how did I get this so wrong? Was Amelia playing with me this entire time? No, she was not like that, and maybe she just found someone who cared for her. He seemed like an asshole, but maybe he's good to her. I hope he is because if I find out... No, it's her life and I will do nothing to disrupt her relationship. Maybe he got her pregnant?

As I wander into the living room, grabbing the remote off the coffee table, there is a note laying beneath it.

Mr. Roth,

I took the liberty of cleaning up your guest room, just in case you plan to use it this weekend. I will return on Sunday morning at 7:00 like we agreed, unless I hear from you or if plans change. Good luck, sir, and I hope it all goes well.


Well, that's just fucking great. Now I have to explain to my maid how all of this went to shit. Christ, I'm an idiot.

Crumpling up the note, I throw it across the room and take another swig of my beer.

Shit, I could have sworn I locked the room, but I must not have. I'm completely at a loss. What to do now? It's like I have no purpose, no reason to take my next breath, but here I sit, sulking like a spoiled child.

Heading up to my bed, I'm exhausted from driving for 12 hours today and with nothing to show for it except misery. Seeing my bed, I'm drawn to it and my energy levels are at an all-time low. I hit the pillows, not even getting undressed, and I'm out like a light.

The next morning I'm awakened by Mandy watching me sleep. She is just standing there like a deer in the headlights. The look on my face must have scared her because I'm pretty annoyed right now and in no mood to deal with anything.

Quickly she says, "I'm so sorry Mr. Roth, sir, I didn't know you were home, and I was going to...."

Looking at her with total annoyance, she stops and runs out of the room. All I can think is great, just fucking great. Looking at the clock, it reads 7:15.

Guess it's time to get up and start a new fucking day.

Hearing a crash downstairs spurs me on to move a little faster. Standing up, I feel dizzy and think to myself, how many beers did I have last night? Just the one, I thought, but it feels like I have a hangover.

Seeing my reflection in the mirror, I look like shit, but I better head downstairs to see what the new maid broke. It's going to be a lovely fucking day; I can tell already.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I go around the corner and see Mandy on the floor of the kitchen, picking up the shattered glass.

She sees me and says, "Sir, I am so sorry about this mess. I'll have it all cleaned up in just a second and then I'll make your breakfast."

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat