Chapter 10: Five Days - Joe

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As she sleeps, I decide to confront him. Mark has to be stopped, and I am just the man to do it. He will hear from me and I don't care what happens after that.

Sliding out of bed, I have to pry her hands off me. Deidre is so traumatized that she refuses to let me go. The poor thing, how anyone could hurt this amazing woman is beyond me.

Stepping out of the room, I leave my office and head to Mark's.

The time has come, to end all of this bullshit. He is going to listen and fear me or so help me God, I will destroy this man today.

Linda is here today. When she sees me and notices the look on my face, I have a feeling she will try to stop this from happening.

She stands up and says, "He's not in Joseph. Is there something else wrong?"

I'm so angry that I actually can't even control myself.

"Where is the son of a bitch?" I say, with pure hatred in my eyes.

Linda sees this and looks horrified by my statement and expression. She quickly comes over to me and stands between me and his office.

She asks, "Oh God, Joseph, what happened? Are you alright?"

She says this with an alarmed tone and fear in her eyes, while I just look at her, waiting for Linda to answer me.

"Where is he, Linda? Is he in there or not?" I repeat with all the control I could muster.

Looking at me in confusion, she says, "He took the rest of the week off. Mark told me he wouldn't be back until Monday. That he wanted us both to come in that day to go over some paperwork for the Wagner merger. Isn't that what he told you before he left last night?"

She acts like I should have known all of this bullshit.

I bark, "When did he leave? He never told me he was merging with Wagner next week."

Linda looks at me like she's completely confused and says, "I don't understand. You know Evelyn tried to kill herself..." I cut her off.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, and she just shakes her head.

Linda looks worried, she's never frazzled or upset. The woman is a rock. She walks over to her desk and sits as tears run down her face.

"She climbed into the bathtub and slit her wrists. Mark came home and found her there last night around 6:00 p.m. He called the ambulance and she wasn't breathing. Mark was distraught and hasn't left Evelyn's side ever since." She explains.

Now I am at a loss. So, if he wasn't here, then who hurt Deidre? Wait, there is no way anyone could get in that room except for us unless Mark let someone in before he left. Shit, I need to find him.

"Where is he, Linda? At the hospital or home?" I ask, and she hands me a phone number.

I look at it and have no clue who's number this is, but I must know the truth as soon as possible.

She explains, "This is the number he gave me. It must be the hospital room. Mark said I was not to call unless there was an emergency, but I am worried about them. I don't know what is happening over there, but he needs you right now, Joe."

Okay, I think Linda is trying to tell me something, but I'm not sure what. Guess I better call him. Maybe he can tell me who attacked Deidre and how they got into her room.

"Thank you, Linda, for all of your help. Is there anything else?" I ask before walking away, and she shakes her head no.

Then our assistant walks back over to me and gives me a hug, which is a surprise because Linda never acts this way.

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ