Chapter 9: The Vista - Amy

Start from the beginning

We were pure, and I needed to hold on to the memory of our love. On our last day, before I moved away, we spent down at the pond. This was my absolute worst day. I had to let Vin go because he was leaving to start college at Syracuse University and I was moving to Pennsylvania. There was no way I would ruin our relationship by forcing Vin to stay loyal to me.

I should have trusted him, but it scared me.

College was a new world, new people, and new experiences. I knew it would be hard for Vin to stay true, and it wasn't fair to him or me. I would not hold him back, and if it was meant to be, we would find each other again one day.

This was what I believed, but I was innocent and so very wrong.

Looking back, I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was heart-wrenching, losing your first love. I've replayed those last few hours over and over in my mind, more times than I care to admit. He did things to me I will never, ever forget. We had love and passion, together we could bring each other so much joy and pleasure, but it was not meant to be.

Life got in the way, as it always does, and that is reality.

That last time together, I walked down the path to see him. Vin was lying shirtless, on my blanket, next to our tree. He was on his side, watching me walk towards him. That man was always sexy, but I knew he had naughty thoughts going through his mind. I could tell. All he knew was that I need to talk to him and that it was important.

This was my biggest fear, that I'd find out he was human after all, and what we had was just a high school romance.

Thinking back, I knew it would be impossible to tell him this over the phone, so how could I do this in person.

This moment would change our lives forever, and I regret it to this day.

Vin sits up and has that look in his eyes. I loved that look. It always excited me.

Knowing his thoughts, my man had planned something for us. I never knew what he was up to, possibly a scene to play out, and I needed something like this to remember him by. And to help me survive.

"Hey, baby!" I whispered as I walked over and sat in his lap.

Vin kissed me deeply, and I responded to him as always. He rubbed me all over as he held me tight, but my mind flashed to what had to be done. At that moment, I pulled away, and he had a surprised look on his face.

"What's wrong Amelia, are you okay, sweetheart?" Vin asked.

I took a deep breath and said it as fast as I could. The words flew out of my mouth so fast that it was done and over as quickly as possible.

"My mom called, and she finally got custody of me. She is coming tonight at 5:00 to take me away to live in Pennsylvania." I said, and he stared at me.

The look on his face was a complete shock. He took a moment to think about his answer and took a few deep breaths. Rubbing my back, Vin looked at the pond and tried to come up with a plan to handle this situation, but there were none.

"Okay baby, it's alright. We will get together during the holidays and long weekends. It will suck, but we can do it, Amelia. Don't worry baby, we will make it work." Vin whispers and I kissed him.

The fear took over and I grab his hair to pull him to me. He unbuttoned my top, and I needed to tell him the truth before we went any further, but I was afraid.

Telling myself to breathe, I stopped again, sat back, and explained, "No, Vin, I'm breaking up with you. I love you too much to force you to be loyal to me while living so far apart. It's not fair to you or me and..."

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