Chapter 6: An Enigmatic Night - Joe

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Glancing over at other groups of people enjoying the scene, I turn and continue my quest.

"My God, they are beautiful." My new friend says, and then I realize I don't even know his name.

Turning around to ask him, he walks out a different door in search of his wife. I follow him out and we are on to the next room. How many could there be? The adjacent room was more of the same, not very original, so we keep going until we find another stairwell, but this one goes down. The two of us watch a few people descend the staircase, so we both head down there as well.

At the bottom, there is a shadowy dungeon-like room. The gray and black walls make it feel eerie and uncomfortable. It's hard to see where I'm going, and the sounds in here are mostly an echo of clatter and moans.

Around the corner, there are at least 15 pieces of equipment dimly lit in this room and they occupy every piece. While looking for Deidre, wandering through the room, I notice all the women seem to enjoy this very much and they are really into all of this pain and pleasure. The raw sex is very overpowering and amatory, but this is more of Mark's thing than mine. I enjoy tying women up, but I don't use machines on them, other than a vibrator or something like that. There are many pieces in here that I have never seen before, but I also would never use them.

As I watch for a moment, I'm amazed how everyone in here looks to have been well-versed on how to use all of this paraphernalia.

This seems so sadistic and it reminds me more of a horror movie than a good porno.

Most of these rooms are very erotic. I'm still hard as a rock, but I am more worried about Deidre.

By now I thought I'd find her, so I'm getting anxious about our girl and what Mark has up his sleeve. He best not sharing her with anyone again. We still need to talk about that. Not tonight, but soon.

This guy and I go back up the second set of stairs, on the other side of the dungeon, and out into the hallway. There in front of us is a man being whipped by a woman, and I do not understand why anyone would enjoy that type of pain, either. His back is bleeding, and she looks cold and viscous. This is the first woman who has had any clothes on tonight. Just a bustier. But she's not completely naked as the rest of them. You can see the anger and rage in her each time it takes a bit of flesh. The man seems to go along with this, but I will never understand why anyone would allow that to happen. When I give pain, it's never very much, and it intensifies the pleasure.

That just seems like torture, but everyone is different, I guess.

My new friend pulls me aside and says, "That is one evil bitch. I'm going to stay clear of her. Who the hell wants to be whipped? That's just crazy."

I nod, and we continue walking.

"I'm Joe, by the way. I am being inducted tonight," I say while holding out my hand to shake his.

He reaches for mine and says, "Oh, I'm sorry. How rude of me. I'm Charles Coleman, but everyone calls me Charlie. Nice to meet you, Joe. It's been such a strange night that I guess my mind was elsewhere."

I smile at that and couldn't agree more. We head into the next room as another scene is playing out. Once again, there is a small platform, with quite a few people viewing the act between these two people.

It seems like more people are in this one compared to the other previous rooms. Couples are standing because there are no more seats available.

This one must be very different.

I catch my first glimpse of the man and woman. This is more of a passionate scene. It's just two people on a bed, making love for all to see. She's not tied, and neither is he. There is no equipment or props. Just two people, naked, moving together and very much in love. They have such an intense passion that these two have undoubtedly stolen the show. The room is packed full of people and the audience seems moved. No one is talking. All eyes are on them, while they enjoy each other as though they were all alone in their bedroom.

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt