Training with the new kids

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-----It's been a week

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It's been a week.... It rained and flooded the court... Finally its not raining! Something with Hekates... She keeps asking me about my past... I keep telling her I don't want to tell her but she's pushy.... I don't plan on telling her....

We are standing in a group... Hades is next to me and laying on my feet...

" again.. We are going to train! You are going to be paired in groups of 4 and it's all for one.. Fight and the last one standing is the winner! Of you get knocked out you are out! If you stay pinned for more then 5 seconds you're out! If you fall out of the line youre out! "

I'm standing next to Momo... SHE'S FUCKING TALL!

she looks down at me and smiles

" you're so small! I love it!" Momo says hugging me...

Ew.... Hugs

I see a chart.... Group one is
- Bakugou
- Kirishima

Group 2
- Tsu
- Jirou

Group 3
- Ururaka
- Iida
- Sato
- Mineta

Group 4
- Shoji
- tail man( I forgot his name 💀)
- Mina

Group 5
- Momo
- Hagakure

Group 6
- Timmie
- Hekates

Just great! I can feel my Anxiety levels go up... That always happens before a fight..

I feel a hand on my Shoulder...

" Kid it's going to be okay...." Aizawa says

I nod

" What are your quirks Exactly?" Hekates asks

" you'll find out"

We start so happy 🙄. Hades I'd watching from the closest he can get without getting hurt...


They all started running after me... Of course they would...

Harley... Isn't she the one with super speed... And teleportation

I see Harley vanish.. Suddenly I feel a heavy weight on my shoulders...i get choked... I look up and see Harley... I grab her blue hair and Y E E T her off of me... She comes right back on me...

I see Hekates run to me.. Her hand extended... I grab Harley and active my copy quirk... I start flying up...up and up....Guess who's quirk I have.. AIZAWA

Harley looks at me and I take away her quirk

" My quirks!"

I get to the point were in the clouds

" What a lovely view!"


" oh okay"

I drop her....

She falls..

I fall with her after a while

I smile and close my eyes... I feel the wind flow through my feathers and body..

Oh wait Harley... I catch her and drop her 5 feet off the ground

I go back up and fall... Back down...

- Aizawa's POV-

What is that kid doing?

" what is she doing?"

She's falling straight towards... SHE'S TRYING TO KILL HERSELF AGAIN!


Hades starts barking and trying to get out of the leash... SHE'S NOT STOPPING!


Wait....i know what she's doing...

I see her go through the ground.... And teleport on the back of Rowen...

- Back to Timmie's POV-


Im on the back of Rowen... They look up and throw me off and I teleport to punch Hekates... They smile and their hand has a weird smoke looking orb surrounding it... ( think of Agatha's powers from Wandavision)

They all come running at me... I smirk...

" did you know that you're all fighting a trained Assassin?" I say bowing

" same here" Harley says

" oh.. We aren't that much different"

Harley an I grin and have an idea

Do you want to form an alliance.... with me?

Hell yha

We both go for Hekates!

Hekates throws a punch and misses

Rowen grabs Harley and Harley teleports to their back... I see Hekates try to touch my forehead.. Probably to use her quirk... I duck and punch her in the face... She comes running back

" I'll show you what I've been through! I'll show you if you really want to know so bad!"

I turn on my copy quirk... And use her quirk against her.... I don't know what I'm doing but I want her to stop asking those Stupid questions! I'll give her what she wants!

I land my hand on her forehead and watch her pass out... She drops to the ground


Harley and Rowan are fighting... Harley is bleeding from her nose... I see Rowan... They.. Mumble something and a black goo covers them.... I use Harley's power and teleports on the back of Rowen.... Then I use Hekates power and makes her go back to a flashback... They knock out and I fall...


- Harley's POV-

I see Timmie... They fell hard... They are grabbing their leg... I run to them

" Are you okay?!"

I help them up

" Harley... It's......"

" what is it?"

" The......"

" The game is everyone for themselves~"

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