.....It's okay....

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- Mirio's Pov -

" I-i can't hear you......"

My eyes widen and they don't know what to do..... Their ears are bleeding.....  Teachers come and help us......

* Time Skip *

- Still Mirio's POV -

I stand outside their room..... Yayarozou made some Hearing aids to help...... Recovery girl couldn't do anything.......

I open the door and walk to their room..... I see them in bed....... Covered in blankets.... On their phone... Trying to find a video to play so they can hear..... They keep putting it to their ear..... I walk over to them and sit on the foot of the bed.....

I see the hearing aids on the desk next to them....
They stop and look at me.... I smile weakly.... They sit up and start tearing up......

" Hey hey hey it's okay! Don't cry we can get through this" I say moving closer to them.....

" ..... I want to hear your voice...... But I can't .... " they say silently and start crying

I hug them and they start sobbing in my arms.... I hold them in my arms and stroke their hair......

- Timmie's Pov -

I started crying..... I can't hear anything..... I can tell he's talking.... I can feel his voice through the vibrations....... I slowly calm down..... I hug him tighter..... He grabs my hearing aids off the desk... He looks at me and has tears in his eyes.... He puts them in my ear and turns them on...... It's less muffled...... I can hear a little......

" Can you hear me?..." he asks

I nod and he smiles...... It's a little muffled.... But I can hear

" Good.... Yayarozou made those good" He says

I nod and he hugs me..... We lay down...... We chat for a little.....

" hey.... Why don't you come out with us to see the Fireworks Tuesday " he says

" okay"I nod

The door busts open...... It's my
" Mom"

" MY BABY WHA- Who is this" she says

We both sit up and Mirio smiles...

" I'm Mirio Togata ma'am" Mirio says

" Oh well hello" she says

" I should get going...." Mirio says

He kisses me on the forehead and leaves..... My mom looks at me and is in Disgust.....

" are you dateing him?" she asks

I shake my head no...

" good! I bed he doesn't want to be with a deaf girl. Or a whore" she says

" man if you died I would of been happy..... How bout you go jump off a building... I mean he doesn't want you" she says

I roll my eyes and take out my hearing aids to mute her out..... She keeps yapping and all I can hear is her muffled voice....

" I can hear you" I say signalling to my ears and grinning

She looks mad and says something. She grabs my arm an guts just head.

" owwww" I whine

We walk out the room..... I felt a pair of eyes on me........I look around and see nothing....... My mother yanks me and says something.

I groan and keep walking.....

- Narrator's POV -

Timmie keeps walking pushing the feeling away...... Not knowing that a pair of blue eyes watching and listening......

......to the whole conversation......

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