Drowning in blood

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⚠️ cutting / blood / abuse ⚠️

I've been with the Chisaki family for a few months and I hate it. My mom always gets drunk and my older brother hits me and punches me ..... my sister tho ..... she is sweet snd nice ...... I've met my uncle and he is creepy ........ I've been going to see his often ...... I don't know why though ...... I am going back to school today!

I'm sitting on the bus all alone...... I'm the new kid who has multiple quirks and people call a monster because of my disorder...... I see kids look at me and walk off. I look out the window and know no one is going to sit down next to me

" hey !" I hear a cheerful voice say

I turn around and see 2 boys looking at me .... one has dark blue hair and purple eyes.... and the other had Blond hair and blue eyes.... his smile is so bright it's blinding me!

" you seemed alone so can we sit with you?" He asks

I nod and scooch towards the window more. I'm so small and tiny I can fit most places people my age can't. They both sit next to me.

" I'm Mirio Togata but you can call me Mirio! And this is Tamaki Amajiki ! " Togata says

" m-my names Timmie " I say

" no last name ?" Mirio asks

" I-I'm in foster c-care " I say

Mirio gives a oh look and smiles. God his smile is gonna blind me to the point I can't see anything !

" what grade are you in?" Mirio asks

" 1st " I say

" awww man we and Tamaki are in 3rd !but we can still be friends right ! " he says with a smile

I nod and he laughs. He's gonna kill me with his face! Oh god I'm going blind !

He talks the whole way to school. Tamaki even joins in to ....... I finally felt happy .....


I get off the bus and walk home with Mirio..... turns out he lives next door ....... I go inside my dirty house and smell alcohol and cigarettes..... I hear screaming  from the other room.... I see a man go out of my moms room pissed .... I get shoved over by the man and he slams the front door.... I get up and walk to my room....

" HEY BRAT" I hear my mom say

I look over and see her with a empty beer bottle.... she walks over to me ...

" your going to see your stupid uncle today!" She says

I nod and walk out the house to a small house and knock on the door..... I go in and I wait by the door...... I see 2 men walk twords me...... They are the men who work o
For my uncle......

They grab my bag and throw it to the side they pick me up and take me to the secret room in the wall..... we go down a hall and they put me into a room..... I've done this many times and I know what to do.... I change into shorts and a t shirt ..... I walk out and the same 2 men pick me up and take me to a room..... I've never been in there before....... they set me into a chair and walk out....... my uncle comes in with a mask and gloves like always .....

" Timmie we are doing something new ...... " he says

I nod and he straps me into the chair..... I get worried but don't do anything ..... the same 2 men walk in with tools and bandages...... I get worried when I see a razor and knifes ..... the 2 men walk out and Kai grabs a small knife..... I look at him and is scared.....

" now hold still and we won't have any problems..... " he says

He brings the knife to my arm and I squirm trying to get away but I'm strapped in..... he cuts me and I cry...... i see blood drip down my arm onto the floor.... I cry...... he continues and collets blood.... he unties me and I sit there shaking and hurt..... he bandages me up and I cry.....

This goes on for days ..... weeks ..... months ..... I am hurt and used for blood .....

I'm only 6 .........


✨Mirio's POV ✨

I keep seeing Timmie in bandages...... she says it's from her dog that is big and scratches her by accident.... I can understand but ..... she's never smiled ...... I try to make her smile ...... and she wants to smile but she can't.....

I ask to come over and her excuse is her parents said no or they're out of town ...... I want to be a hero to help her..... but she recently moved away and I never said goodbye...... I miss her ..... but she probably whent to her uncles because her family got murdered ...... I hope I see her again

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