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I wake up.... I see Water.... Fishes... Plants... I can't breathe! Im under water! I swim up and gasp for air at  the surface.... I look around and see Mirio.... He's in the water... Looking frantically for something....

" Mirio?!" I yell

He doesn't hear me... I swim to him but I'm being held back by something.... I get pulled underwater and I scream. I keep being dragged down..... I see a hand on my foot dragging me down.. I kick them and swim back up.. I go to the surface and gasp for air... Mirio is still looking... He gets pulled under... I get pulled under as well...

I see Mirio fighting a creature.... It has the body of a human... They have completely black skin... I swim to them and tackle the creature... They won't get off... It's choking Mirio! I try everything I can to get it off of him.... I can't breathe! It let's go of Mirio and he swims back to the top.... I get tackled..... They drag me down.... It has yellow glowing eyes....Deeper and deeper into the darkness.... I am being choked... It grins and I shut my eyes...

I still feel the choking sensation.... I open my eyes and it's gone... I realize I'm the one choking myself... I let go and swim up... I start to slow down.... I reach the surface! I gasp for air... I see the creature... It grins...

I wake up! I am gasping..... I look around..... It's a room with black floors and walls.... There's a music box.... It's right in front of me... It starts playing on its own... It has a paper inside with a character....It spins and looks like it's animated...

" There was a crooked man, and he walked a Crooked mile.
He found a crooked Sixpence, upon a crooked stile
He bought a crooked cat, who caught a crooked Mouse.
And they all lived together in a little crooked...."

It's a toy from my childhood.... I watch it stop spinning and then it start spinning again.... The paper turns blood red....

I look up and I'm now in a forest... I see a person walking on a trail... It's dark.... I look behind me and there is a fair.... I look back at the person....I see them.... They have Gunshot wounds... They are smiling...... But their mouth is cut In a smile shape but sewed shut....I look closer and Sees a person with blond shaved hair.....Blood spills out of her mouth and she points behind me... I look behind me and see Mirio & the others......


I scream ....

I feel a hand over my mouth! I kick them and I get out if their grip... It's the girl..they have Jet black eyes.....

They turn me around and I see Mirio... He has a spike through his chest..... I scream


-narrator's POV-

Screaming.... From up stairs.... A familiar pink haired girl runs up her stairs. Her little brother and sister running up stairs as well.... Parents fallowing....

The girl screaming bloody murder....



The girl bust in the room to see the girl on the floor crying and has a nose bleed.... Still screaming.....

-Mina's POV -

I hear Timmie scream.. It's a terrifying scream.... I run upstairs....



My little sister and brother fallow me.... My parents run up as well...

She continues screaming.... I open the door and she's terrified... She's on the floor... Bleeding... I put a hand on their back.... They continue screaming... I hug them..... They stop screaming and is panting.... They sob...
" he's gone..." she says

" He's gone! Everyone's dead!" She sobs

" shhh it's okay.... It was a bad dream" I say calming them down

She clenched on to my shirt and is petrified.... My parents look at me...

I give them a worried look....

Me and Denki were visiting Togata and Timmie was asleep... We took her back to my house and let her sleep.....

I try to calm her down...They sob....

" they're all dead..."

" who...." my little brother asked

My mom smacks the back if his head

" Everyone.... I know..." She whispers


I am walking home.... They offered to walk me but I denied... I got things from the gas station near by....I am walking down the dark street.... I see. My house and run to it...

I open the door and then close it...

" Mom I'm home! I also got you some cigarettes! And Chips! " I say

I take me shoes off and start to walk into the living room... I get a head Pat... I turn around and see My mom... I smile and she smiles...

Every though she can be a bitch... I still love my mom.... She cares for me... Sometimes...

" thanks kiddo!" she says
She takes her things and gose to her room.
.... I get a call... From Mirio's dad?... At this time? It's like... I checked the time... 9:37pm...i pick up

" hello?"

" Timmie!"

" yes?"

" he's awake.."

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