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image above he Has manga Spoilers!

Music 🎵 above :3)))

Bold is Quirk info!

⚠️mention Of rape/harassment ⚠️

Also get your rape whistle ready!

" Get ready for training!"

Everyone screams out the class like ants .... I stand up and stretch.....

" come on , I have gym clothes for you" aizawa says

* time skip*

I am standing in my gym clothes and the others are in their hero costumes....

" okay today we will have Face to face combat. One team will fight and the others will watch.... " Aizawa says

" so like last week!" Kirishima says

" yes now look up At the board to see who your fighting. It's based on What you have agents other people's relationships and how you can fight! For example Bakugou and Midoriya might fight by their relationship with one another. Or Midoriya and Isaac might fight by the way they work together! " aizawa explains

" what's about Timmie they haven't been here before and we don't know what she can do!" Kirishima says

" yha but I know what she can do" aizawa says

A protector with groups came up on the Board. I see off to the side is how strong they are from strongest to weakest. The first is Shoto Todoroki, second is Katsuki Bakugou , and third is Deku.

" your name will either be raised or go lower after all groups fight.... it all depends on how you do. Now check to see who your with and get together to fight. Also you lose by either Passing out , giving up or stepping out of the boundaries. " aizawa says

I am at the bottom of the number chart. Probably because I've never fought... I see my name with ..... Shoto Todoroki..... uuuu who's that? Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch... I turn around to see the red and white haired boy....

" I'm not going to hurt you.... I'm Shoto Todoroki " he says

" your Timmie correct?" He asks

I nod and I look at his scar on his left eye.... He's just like me..... he seems to notice me staring..

" you know we aren't that much alike ...." he says

" we both have traumatic childhoods .... " he says

I nod

" Okay first group.... Todoroki and Timmie! " I hear Aizawa saY

Todoroki walks and i fallow him... oh shit I don't know what to do! We walk and see a fighting ring.... it has no fences it is just a large felid.... I stand on one end and he stands on the other..... this reminds me of what Overhaul would do..... he made me fight agent strongest member....

" 3 2 1 START! " aizawa yells

Suddenly Ice comes charging at me.... I close me eyes and put my hand out..... I open them and I use my telekinesis to stop it.... Ice hose shattering everywhere..... it's a clear path to Todoroki..... I guess he has ice powers ..... he looks shocked and he sends another wave of ice. I do the same as last time and stop it .... he now sends a burst of fire! He has two quirks! He really is like me! I fly out of the way. I turn invisible and fly into the air. Todoroki sends ice on the floor and I dive down..... I punch him and im on his shoulders ! Now I have his quirk! I squeeze my legs to somewhat suffocate him. He reaches up to my thighs and tries to freeze them. I set myself on fire to stop him.... he grabs my arms and throws me off him.... I hit the ground and get back up. I turn off my Invisibility and wipe my bloody nose. I turn invisible again and fly back up even higher. He shoots fire in the air and misses me completely I quietly land behind him and trip him....

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