Next Day

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I woke up tangled in Seth's arms (photo to side), so i carefully UN-tangled my self before going to get a shower.
Once i'd finished my shower i got dressed in the bathroom, putting on a We The Kings tank top with a pair of black skinnies, my pink and black vans with a black leather jacket. 
I walk back into my room and see Seth awake on his phone. 
He looked up noticing i'd walked back into the room and walked over to me hugging me and kissing my forehead saying "i'm gonna get a shower" "okay" i replied. 

I started applying my make up thinking back to last night i felt so bad. I didn't realize it would affect him the way it did but there i just can't help it anymore, i don't want to eat. 
I put on foundation powder and blush then apply a thin ring of eyeliner around my eyes and then i apply some red lipstick and mascara. 

Seth walks out of the bathroom in his normal skinnies band t-shirt different belts and chains etc a pair of converse and a jacket. I loved the way he dressed, he gets called emo mosha and shit fro it but i think he looks perfect and I'm glad to call him my boyfriend.

He came over wrapping his arms around my waist asking "you ready to do babe?" "yeah lets go" i say. 
We walk downstairs and see Tyler raiding the cupboards as always. I laugh to myself and he turns round mouth stuffed with pancakes and a bottle of syrup in his hand as he says in a muffled voice" do you want any?". I burst out laughing and Seth started laughing before saying "we're alright mate". Then Seth becomes serious and says "on the other hand blaze, what do you want for breakfast?"
"nothing i'll get something at lunch". Seth then gets even more serious and says " no you've got to have something just eat one pop tart please? for me?" he starts pulling the puppy dog eyes trick. 
I sigh as he hands me a cookie dough pop tart, and look at it like its an alien before shaking my head and he says " eat it for me and at dinner you can just share with me or something??? i won't make you eat loads but the best thing to do is start by eating small and eventually get back to what you normally eat." 

I groan eating the pop tart as we all head out side to meet the rest of the group. 
I still had half my pop tart left when we got there and Aaron looked at me and saw the pop tart and gave me a reassuring smile. i smiled back before i hear Gina whispers " keep eating them and you'll get fatter, Bitch". I feel tears in my eyes before telling Seth " i'm not eating anymore, you eat it" and basically shoved it in his hand, before starting to walk. 
Aaron quickly caught up with me with Seth not that far behind. Aaron said " what did she say?" 
"who?" Seth asks confused. 
i decided to play dumb and said "yeah? who?" 
"don't play stupid you was eating then Gina whispered something to you and you basically threw the pop tart at Seth" Aaron snaps angrily. 
"that bitch!!! what did she say Blaze?" Seth started getting angry. 
I stayed quiet continuing to walk. 

I felt someone tug my arm and i stopped walking to see everyone else was nearly catching up to us and Seth and Aaron was looking at me really seriously. "What Did She Say?" Seth asks very sternly. 
i started felling tears in my eyes before stuttering "she told .... told .....m,me .. th... that ,,, if .. i .k..keep..eating..those..i'" I then pulled away from them both turning round as i went into a world of my own.

I came to a halt as i hear Seth shouting "you and your stupid friends start calling her fat and ugly and a load of other bullshit like that!!!!!, and when i finally get her to eat something again , what do you do go and call it her again, YOU FUXKING B*TCH ive had enough of you!!!!! i don't like you and i never will i love Blaze no matter what her size is or what she looks like, She is beautiful and perfect in ever single way and i've had it up to here with you bullshitting her making her believe the shit that leaves your mouth, Stay out of mine and her lives and don't dare fucking say another word to her or trust me you'll regret it!!!!!!" 

I turn around to see everyone stood shocked them Aaron shouts "you're a bitch Gina you know that right?! what has Blaze ever done to you!!!!!!!" before i see him and Seth walk over to me. 
Seth wraps his arm around me and Aaron gives me a side hug, Tyler comes walking over also giving me a hug before we walk to school together laughing and joking around. 

We get to school and all go to class. 
The morning went by pretty quick Gina stayed away from me and so did her friends. I'd heard some girls saying they'd heard Tyler Seth and Aaron threatening then to stay away from me so that's probably why. 
It was lunch and us four were stood in the dinner queue. 
Everyone ordered me just getting a milkshake as Seth was making me eat some of his chips. 
I just rolled my eyes at him saying "i'm not hungry" he just ignored me. 
We all walked over to our normal table and i heard Aaron say "where's the bitch?" and Leigh just said "with her other bitches!, Blaze we're all here for you and we aren't gonna let Gina be like that to you, she's a jealous bitch, i mean c'mon look at you, if you're fat then I'm a frigging whale, You aren't fat all and Gina doesn't have the right to be like that to you. everyone else agrees saying things along the same lines. I smile thanking them all before Seth forces me to eat some of his chips. 

After Lunch we all go back to class and it just so happened we had Gym, which i had with all our group. 

The rest of the day went by fairly normal, and all the group came round to mine (the group not including Gina anyone). They decided to order pizza and Travis came and hung with us. 
Of course everyone made sure i ate at least  two slices and we just carried on watching films and joking around. Everyone went home and i went to sleep feeling disgusted with myself for what i'd eaten. 

One part of me was saying, No ones here they won't know, and the others saying remember how sad Seth was when he found out last time don't upset him. 
I guess the side telling me to go and throw my guts up won and i did just that felling happy with myself and went to sleep. 

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