First day

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Blaze's POV

I wake up at around 6:30 am and get ready for my first day of school. I grab my curling wand and plug it in after i get out of the shower, while its warming up i start to dry my hair and brush it out. I start to curl my hair into lose curls and spray it with some hair spray, pushing my fringe to the right. 

After that i grab my make up bag aplying foundation the same colour as my skin which i like!!! its not too light but it doesnt make me look like a tangerine like most girls! after i apply matching powder over my foundation.( I have natural shaped eyebrows, so i dont draw them on ) i grab some light blue eye shdow applying it on then adding a dark blue to the corner of my eyes. then i grab my eye liner and make it start iff thin and get thicker on the top and the bottem to make my eyes look bigger before applying some mascare. after that i apply light pink bluch to my cheek bones and put on a pastel pink coloured lipstick. Making sure to put extra make up in my school bag. 

After that i put on some light black tights with my white skater skirt and a long sleeved black crop top. Along with my pale blue leather jacket and some white lace ankle boots. I put my nose ring in and put the different piercings in my ears in. after that i grab a few brackets and a small pendant necklace and put my white bag on my shoulder. finally spraying my self with Victoria secrets spray.

i get down stairs and say morning to my parents before starting to walk to school.

once i arrive at school i notice loads of people from "cheerleaders"  to "skaters"to "jocks" to "nerds and geeks" and the "scenes" and then finally the "chavs and the troublemakers" and all the other stereotyped groups! its just as you see on TV>
my old school was never like this. 

i sigh noticing everyone starring at me whether it was boys drooling or girls smiling a few giving me dead eye. i heard everyone whispering about the "new girl" AKA ME! 
Before i could even make it through the door a girl with medium length dirty blonde hair, dark makeup making her look a slight bit orange, thick mascara red lipstick and a cheer leading uniform approached me with another girl slightly taller with the same uniform but short brown hair and  a lot  less foundation but a lot of eye shadow blusher and lipstick and said "Hey I'm Leigh and this is Gina  whats your name" .
"I'm Blaze er do you mind showing me where the office is so i can get my schedule and stuff before the bell goes ?'" i replied asking.

"sure" they both said. "you're really pretty" the Leigh one said with Gina  nodding in agreement. "thanks you too" i replied. "we're gonna be such good friends!' Gina said." YEAH! we will totes have to introduce you to the rest of our group! you seem like an awesome girl!. 

as i walked into school i noticed a group of boys all wearing black, the majority of them had there hair over their face and piercings. But one stood out from them all ! 
He had the most gorgeous Blue eyes i'd ever seen and i could get lost in them all day. He had snake bites and i could tell he had a tongue bar too. He had dark brown hair swept across his head and he looks in shape too! He was quite tall around 5"10 or 11 and he was definitely in my year. 

i hadn't noticed i was staring til Leigh spoke up saying" yeah they re weird i know . stop staring before they ite your head of" with a laugh at the end.

as we reached the office i was still thinking about the mystery boy he was all in all gorgeous and i want to get to knnow him so bad lets just hope he's in some of my lessons!!!!!!! 

i got my schedule and i had a lot of lessons with leigh and gina 
i liked them they seemed like nice girls!!

"so what made you move to America" Gina questioned"you know seen as though youve got a british accent.
" I model and my new contract has been signed for a studio in orlando so i didnt have much choice but im glad its loads better then the Uk" 
"OMG ive always wanted to be a model!' Both of them squeal. 
we got a lot of shocked looks from people around iguess they had heard that i was a model ! great just great! 

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