first day -part 2 ~ meeting the rest of the group

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i walked to my first  maths GREAT! (note the sarcasm)
Thank god Leigh was in this lesson because Gina wasnt :( 

When we got there Leigh introduced me to some of people from their group.
There was (boys) Aaron, Jack,Tyler,  and (girls) Amelia and Megan. 
They were all great people and I learned loads about them and they learned a lot about me too.
I got on with then all great and Me and Aaron get on amazing we love the same bands and things and all in all i can tell we're gonna be best friends. Amelia told me there was three other people in the group that i haven't met yet which are Morgan , Liam and Lola. she said i'd get on with them perfectly fine like i did with the others. They all asked me about modeling and we was having a whole group chat about everyone. 

They told me who the best people to avoid were like the chavs and troublemakers as they're bad people or would bite my head off for looking at them. As well they told me who the pervs and lesbians were as i'd have to be careful around them. i don't understand why they would say that. i think they could tell i was confused as Jack went on to say " near enough every boy and some girls Already want in my pants so be careful !!!!" 

People finally started coming into class and our conversation died down.I noticed the boy i was staring at  from early was in here. as i looked at him he was already looking back, we both smiled at each other before he hid behind his hair and just stared down at the table.

The teacher finally came in as nearly every seat in the room was taken. "Hello welcome back to your final/ Senior year of school. lets make it a good year!!!!." "I'm Mr.Rain and you must be the new student Blaze?! take any spare seat and we'll begin" he said.

The only spare seats were next to one of the "pervs" i was told to avoid, the mystery cute boy and Aaron. 
I looked at Aaron to see him waving his arms about at me while while screaming  "Blaze Here"
"okay Aaron Don't explode" i laughed as i walked over there. The teacher rolled his eyes before taking register and i learned the mystery boys name was Seth ;) 

As i sat down and Aaron said" fancy seeing you here". "yeah what are the odds" i giggled and he just replied with "cute" as he poked my dimple. I frowned and mumble "not" as he started tickling me and i squealed. Everyone looked over as the teacher glared and all our friends just laughed. Before Leigh howled " Get Some Aaron" while laughing. 

Sir Told everyone what to do and the lesson whizzed by pretty quite with Me and Aaron messing around while getting told off by our teacher XD.

A few people mentioned about me being a model but not many people spoke to us as i found out these group of people i'd become apart of were very popular. Nice

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