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I got up and hopped into the shower. Once i got out i applied my foundation and powder and then some  electric  blue eye liner with thick mascara and then i put on some pastel purple lipstick.
Then i straightened my hair and braided my right bang back. 
After that i put on a blue mini skirt from forever 21 with a white long sleeved crop top. 
I liked wearing pencil type skirts as they really show off your butt and being a model, it's kinda important to have one so yeah.
I put on some electric blue heels and grabbed a black leather jacket before grabbing my black lypsy bag and making my way out side to go and meet the rest of the group. 

Once i reach where we normally meet i see all the girls had decided to wear skirts today as well and as soon as they noticed i was we all burst out laughing. 
Then i notice Seth was with us too and i smiled walking over to him and giving him a hug, which he gladly accepted. Even in these heels he was still a hood half a head taller than me. i pouted as he called me a "short arse" 
"not my fault you're freakishly tall" i say back 
"and its not my fault your freakishly small" he retorts which i once again pout at. 
I then noticed the only person we're waiting for is Tyler but about a minute later he arrives and we all start walking. 

Seth wraps his arm around my torso as we are walking and i notice Gina giving me a death glare. Wierd i thought maybe it wasn't me ? 
Seth leans down and kisses my temple bringing me even closer to him and Gina looks as if she's about to cry so she turns back around and starts talking to Jack. 
We all arrive at school and split up all heading to are separate maths classes Obviously Me Seth Leigh, Amelia Gina Jack Tyler and Aaron were all in this lesson together and once again we we're early so we sat around talking. Me and Seth we're sat in a kinda cuddling position and he smelt so good i though to myself. 

Seth whispers " i need to talk to you on your own later" while kissing my cheek before we all walk to our own seats. On my way asked Tyler "are you okay?" and he replies with " I've been better" and gives me a short smile before we both go our separate ways. 
I sit down next to Aaron seen as though it's my normal seat. Me and Aaron once again barely do any work as we just mess around. 
Aaron then said"you have a nice arse by the way" with a wink so i slapped him over the back of the head shocking him which then caused him to hit his elbow on the table, making him shout "FUCK that hurt" 
i was sat pissing myself laughing (not literally) as sir shouts "Aaron mind your language please!!!!!" 

As per usual the morning goes by very fast and i was stood in the Lunch line with Aaron , Tyler and Seth. 
Then i felt someone grab my arse and it made me jump making me and Seth turn around to see one of the jocks high fiveing one of his friends. It wasn't a chock to any of us it happens nearly every day here. I'm just getting irritated now and i can tell Seth is too. 
We all get our lunch before walking to our table and we all sit down eating, we'd managed to get a bigger table so we can all sit down now > THANK GOD !!!

After we all ate everyone was in conversation so me and Seth left to go sit in the hall way as he still wanted to talk to me. 
We sat next to each other leaning up against the lockers. Seth takes a deep breath before saying " look Blaze you're the most amazing Girl in the world you're perfect in every single way, I love you cute laugh, your beautiful Blue eyes, your perfect lips, I love you hair and the way it always smells like mango, Also i love your accent that's really cute and i think your a gorgeous girl as well as you being so generous and thoughtful towards other people, you're smart and all in all amazing . Another thing i love about you is that you always stand up for what you want, you're really close with your brother and you are the most amazing girl i've ever met. It's just a bonus that you're a model and you can sing and play guitar and piano. As much as all that we have so much in common, you're one of the girliest girls i know yet you still are a huge hockey lover. You are literally all i could ever dream of and i just want to say I Love You Blaze Winters. " 
By now i had tears in my eyes and the biggest smile on my face ever!, I lean up to him and press my lips against his as he kisses me back. "Seth you're an amazing guy, you have the most gorgeous blue eyes i have ever seen, you're really cute and have an amazing personality, i love you hair and all your piercings, like you said we have so much in common and it's a bonus you're super hot. You're really smart and funny, you're shy and  i find that so cute, but on the other hand you aren't scared of sticking up for your self or over people and you are the most amazing boy i have ever met, I love you too Seth Hartley" 

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