chapter twenty three

Depuis le début

Before I could put her back in her place I caught the faint sweet scent of my female, she was my everything even when she did everything in her power to push me away. I turned to look at the room that I had walked out of, there was a tiny gaps between the door but no sign of seeing the woman that had me wrapped her finger. I would give anything to see her smile.

"Elina, you should leave." I snarled at the woman with anger with what she had done, she seemed shocked as she stopped her whining act and showed her neck in submission.

"It's Brittany, Alpha Hayden." Whatever her name was she stormed off, not looking back at me and I rolled my eyes at what females I had in my pack.

'Finally fucking done with that bitch.' Achly cheered in relief but growled in pain as he felt our heart weaken 'mate!' He shouted, without thinking much I ran back back into the room to spot my princess laying on the floor

"Raven?" I questioned worriedly she didn't move nor respond to my call which made me more anxious. I quickly kneed down to pick her body of the floor 'James get youself and our family doctors to the nursing wing,now!' I mindlinked

I layed her body gently down on the bed, soon enough the doors opened to reveal our pack doctors, James's and my twin brother who looked between me and Raven

"Alphas." The eldest of our pack bowed, showing respect "please step out of the room so we can cheek on your mate." He firmly added while making a move to touch mine and Jayden's  mate

Jayden growled annoyed with the statement but I pulled him out the room with me. Growling he ripped my hands of his shoulders, he looked me straight in the eyes demanding answers

"What happened to her?" He asked using his Alpha tone. I glared back at him

"Jayden this isn't the time to compare our Alpha titles." I sighed "I was with Brittany outside the room, she -Brittany- jumped on me and smashed her dirty lips on mine. " I gagged at the image "then I heard a lound thumb and saw her laying on the floor unconscious." I explained the situation

Jayden growled annoyed, his face scrunched up showing how stressed he was with this. He cursed before looking back at me

"She felt like you where cheating on her when Brittany kissed you." He reported, with his hands running down his face

"You starting to like her, aren't you." I stated. I haven't seen my twin stress over someone like this, the same way he reacted over her

"God, yes I am." he whispered yelled "I need to say away from her, I can't hurt her again." He mumbled more to himself. His shoulders dropped as he turned around and started to walk away. I lifted my hand up and placed it over his shoulder, preventing him from walking away from me

"Brother, you think staying away well keep her safe?" I questioned to which he nodded "No it wouldn't it'll only hurt you and her more, the longer you stay away from each other the more the arge will get, to be near her, our mate." I pointed out

"I wouldn't, I'II still look after her without her knowing." He promised "just mindlink me when she wakes up, I have some Alpha duties- which we're behind on- to deal with." I sighed sadly knowing I wouldn't change my brothers mind

"Fine." I mumbled disappointed. I let my hand drop and he walked away

'Give him time, he's still hurting and stressed over the pack work.' My wolf told. I nodded trying to believe his words- which where true 'just focus on mate for now.' I nodded as a yes

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