The vanishing glass

Start from the beginning

"Duddykins?" Narcissa murmured. "What kind of name is it."

Hearing this Hermione and Harry both groaned. How could they forget this auspicious day. (Note the sarcasm). They started finding some socks to wear. Decent ones. Not the one Harry used to wake up Hermione.

Harry spotted a pair of socks beneath their bed and started pulling out the spiders from them. Neither he nor his sister were afraid of spiders as the cupboard under the stairs had many of them. And that's where they lived.

It was a pin drop silence in the hall. Then. "CUPBOARD UNDER THE STAIRS? HAS SHE GONE MAD." Lilly bellowed. Her face was as red as her hair and she was breathing heavily. She tried to go out but was pushed down by a strong force.

Another letter dropped in. It read-

"We forgot to tell you that magic is prohibited right now and no one can get out from their seats. They could only get up if they don't have wrong or harming intentions towards some one.

We know how you are feeling Lilly but you will have to keep a cool mind. Anger doesn't make us do right things. In our anger, we do things that we regret later. And this is not only for Lilly. It's for all of you.

We hope that you will understand.

Thank you."

Lilly's shoulders were down in defeat and she blinked back her tears. She felt someone arms around her and looked up at the hazel eyes of James Potter. He smiled at her. For an unknown reason her heart stopped beating for a moment, then, she smiles back.

McGonagall continued-

Harry followed Hermione outside the cupboard and made his way towards the kitchen.

"You," Petunia pointed at Harry, " look after the bacon. And you" she now pointed towards Hermione, " make coffee." The twins looked at each other and then sighed. "Any problem with that?"

"Yes." Peter mumbled. "You are treating them like slaves."

"No Aunt Petunia." They chorused. Saying this, they started doing their assigned chores.

Soon, a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, neck as twice as normal and the weight even twice of neck thundered downstairs.

"Is he a pig?" A boy asked to no one in particular.
"Seems like an elephant actually." Someone else replied.

This boy's name was Dudley Dursley, Petunia and Vernon Dursley's son and Harry and Hermione's cousin.

"Happy birthday Duddykins." Petunia wished Dudley.

"Happy birthday son." Vernon said gruffly while reading a newspaper. Dudley didn't even pay them any attention instead his gaze was on the dining table laid with presents. He counted the presents.

"Thirty seven? I had thirty eight last year." Dudley cried.

"He thinks that thirty seven is less." Lucius Malfoy muttered. "Even I didn't receive this much presents." Others agreed.

"I don't know anything. I want more presents." He continued his tantrum until his parents gave in.

"We will you two more presents when we go out today. Okay, popkins?" Petunia said.

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