Chapter 11: Chaos on the king's birthday

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POV gin

"Finally we are here"

Me and the group successfully infiltrate the capital with 30 of us from the crimson clan. After the rescue of the slaves. We got the information from the captives that they all save by the nine tailed fox. At first it was a joke but from the previous mission. I remember the black hair fox girl on the street.

We been with the queen's guard from generation so I know that it was a clone but I dot it, because king Rudolf wants the genes of the nine tailed for clone soldiers so I suspect it was ordinary clone from the experiment. But the citizens was truly graceful so we check it out if it's true.

"Mayo the detector"

Mayo gave me the detector that pass to generations. It's purpose was to find the nine tails scents.

After turning on the detector randomly pointed at any direction.

"Is it broke?"

"No the nine tails was definitely living here in the capital and her scents was everywhere"

"This means she's shaded her own fur?!"


Well am not surprise, it's a special season this month so shaded fur was common to demi human beast like us. But one thing for sure that she was here in the human territory.

"Tsk i guess it can't help it, we'll find her in shadows and make sure you l won't cause trouble otherwise the whole clan will be nagging our elder and send us home"

"" yes leader ""

We spread out and look for the queen's only child.


POV jade

"Master here's the custom made grenade that reaper took"

I pass the bio weapon that can turned people into zombies. At first we all laughing at it but after witnessing the abilities of the surviving zombies, we all dumbfounded. I mean a simple jump that killed the pilot and the crew while on mid air.

Although they are indeed a different level monster, they are fragile. They easily got killed by just using the pistol, crash or fall in few meters or not making a sound and they loss there target, in other words. This zombies are made for war with the duration on 3 minutes. 

If a stupid person throw it in the commercial streets. I don't know what will be the result of the gruesome scene i saw in zombie movies.

The prince accepted it and send it to bio lab, while waiting for the test a head scientist update us from the virus.

"My prince this weapon are extremely dangerous"

"How dangerous?"

As the prince said the scientist show the photo and explain.

"This liquid have special mix, it also contained corrosive that destroyed any metal or plastic materials in seconds that can truly ignored any protection in other words. If it expose in air range then his life is over"

"I understand but can you make antidote? If necessarily can we save the victims?"

The scientist scratch his chin and spoke.

"For antidote it will takes more than months or year but for the victims we can save them before 3 minutes"

"I see so it's hopeless without antidote"

The scientist nodded 

The prince called Sonia and gave orders.

"Sonia raise the security into maximum and investigate if this merchants have this too, also if they have them, interrogate them even you torture them"

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