Chapter 3: Weller man

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POV Jack

We are riding a reckted car that beyond repairs, it doesn't have a roof, it has a lot of marks from gun shot to monster claw marks. Right now we enter the city of whalers. It's famous at good whale meat dishes and other sea/air dishes.

whale monster can found in sea and sky, in the outside it's no different from the whale from the real life we live in but the game development wants to use some ideas that ridiculous enough to made many players go nuts. 

Whale monster hunt was hard and dangerous job. It was a carnivorous monster that ate large birds and fish from air and sea. It attack and eat people in the airship, often attacking every ship they found.

The different clan sometimes hunt whale monsters and became rich in one day but the risk was so high that once die, the penalty was 24 hours log out without losing level and items.

We came to this city not to hunt some whales but to cross to another city, our next destination  was city of advance technology, the front line of zakken kingdom.

We went to junk shop and sell the scrap metal vehicles we got and made a reservation in the private ship.

"It say we are leaving in 3 hours*

" i guess we got time "

"Let's go to weapon shop"

As I made a suggestions we went to the jay weapon shop, players from different clan can find a weapon for hunting, the guild probably got our crime records so it's best to avoid it. Although we are rich (kingdom's stolen money) we are not having a problem in financial and we can steal any illegal items in black market.

"Hello what can I help you?"

A girl that the same height like jade greetings us.

"We want a ammunition for assault rifle and some grenade"

Illegal weapons like atomic miniature bomb was a banned in major cities so the black market sell them from tug or underground clan. We ask for the clerk if there is a rumor of the black market but their is.

"So your telling me a black market was here in the city?! That's scary"

Her acting skills are getting better and better from our last battle, but it's makes me wonder if she can extract a information we need.

"I know right theirs a rumor that they are preparing to sell them to clan called the jokers"

The underground clan called jokers was clan who likes to cause a huge problems in cities but they originally from Middleton kingdom

"Why are they here?"

"I don't know? It's a rumors and their some incident that ship got destroyed from whale attack because of them"

Rumors like this cannot be avoid, but the city mayor didn't even bother to look at it because it was a rumor and all incidents was machine failure.

We wave the clerk and leave the store.

We enter to the public restaurant ten sit at the corner of restaurant and jade check the CCTV cameras and underground activities.

"What do we got?"

Jade told me that the underground guild jokers was not here but the black market was here in the city, about 5 stores in total and most of them doesn't have a eye catching items.

"Most of they sell was the whale's teeth that use in crafting"

"Why did they sell a stuff that already sell in public market?"

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