Chapter 2: The village of elves

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POV Jade

In the morning me and my brother Jack eating breakfast. On our side of the table was our father who was busy reading a new paper. While next to him was our mother maria, she has a natural tan skin unlike us but we inherent her black hair and eyes. As we ate our mother spoke.

"I heard that you two playing video games now?"

She spoke as she smiling but her eyes was on the blazing fire of anger.

Our father sweating while reading a newspaper even the servant shaking a little. 

Our mother maybe gentle but she never back down. Not even our grandmother doesn't affect on her. She was strictly for our studies since she was once a student on harbor and a leading team leader for marketing trade.

Even my father received a warning from head family. He choose her over the families and married her.

"Mother am sure you are angry right now but we only play for weekend so it's fine right?"

"Well am fine with that but will it affect your studies?"

"Don't worries, it wouldn't"

We promise that we only play in weekends to father with a high grading score as bonus too. mother doesn't satisfied but she let it go.

"Haa... Fine but am watching you two"

As we finish the breakfast we went to school.

In the library where our usual place. We use the library computer to access the BCG map and make a future plans, right now we are in the mountains and below was a thick forest the last time we play.

My brother who was holding his books for higher level making a confusing face.

"Jade do you think that the map to this direction was right?"

He point the monitor to the road that leads to elven village. I look at the community chat room and accordingl to them, the village was part of the kingdom but the elves doesn't welcome the new travelers. There was also some complaints that the elves rained them a arrow from far distance, so only long range weapons if your lucky to hit them or just walk around but the village was big enough to called city.

If we turn around in will take a one in a half day instead of just an hour. 

"According to rumors the kingdoms high rank official are allowed to enter but since nobody saw the kingdom's officials visit the village it's a mystery of how they live"

"I guess your right"

To make a living, people use the tourism for cash cow by selling them some stuff. If the elven village didn't, its either they have enough life stock or the lord of the area didn't bother to collect taxes.

The kingdom's official was too suspicion, they even planning a coup d'etat if it wasn't for us (stealing gold). That capital was fighting right now or worst.

We search every information we get from the elven village then someone enter the library. She wears a round glasses, a twin tailed blonde girl carrying a book in her arms.

"Oh are you having fun on your freedom miss and mister Fernandez?"

Since we can't use the Winston's family name. We use our mother's family name and people know that our mother's family name was from the ordinary family.

"So what do you want oh honorable student queen Felix?"

Felix Xena the daughter of the rich family Xena. Her family owned a shipping manufacturing and mining industries but it's still doesn't match our father's weath. After we throw the title of honor student, Felix became one and treated like a different person but in really, they want a connection to the Xena family.

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