chapter 1: Reaper and Ghost

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The family Winston was one of the richest in American, there clan was originate from England and move in America in late 1560's. Now they are oneof the residents of America and one of the greatest tribute on the country.

The family lives in California were the mansion can see for 500 miles away because for the great land they occupied.

The head of the family was John Mac Winston who take care of the family business and often of the business trip, many thinks that he was single disparate of his age but little did they know, he was married long time ago and currently he have two twin children with Maria.

Maria Fernandez was born in the Philippines got fall in love to John while his on business trip but since the family wasn't accepted there marriage they hide the truth in the public, as they who born in the aristocrat will bring shame to the family that even his sibling's family didn't know of there relationship.

John was honorable man who loyal to his family especially his wife but also overprotective to his two children.

Jack and jade was twins with opposite sex, they care to each other and love story from there ancestors. There most favorite story was there great grandfather Michael Winston.

He fought during world war 2 and Korean war.

He came back as a national hero with a scar on his body.

The twins favorite part was there grandfather was a elite sniper and gather information office, they both idolized there grandfather as they read him journal.

They both become great at team work.

Using there grandfather's journal they sometimes sneak in the back and steal some snack of the break room. They often observing the maids of there every life as they keep track the maids movement but not everything was a success.

There are times that they failed in tracking the maids during night or the maids play along and hide to them.

During there young age there love to literature sometimes they read book in the library and there father gift them a book that they share.

They show some talent as they grow.

They becoming good at academic in the private school and become honor student. But not everything was always a happy ending, most students was born in high class family and got bully by other student.

The twins are not should be underestimate.

Since they both influence by the journal they got revenge of the most cruel way, they both sometimes dug there targets dark history or family history, then use it as black mail and if you won't follow it they leak it on the internet.

The bully who became there victim apologize to them but the twins only give them a cunning smile like a demon and afraid to them.

They become the symbol of fear to them and no one talk to them, not even a teachers since they think that it will be bad if they turn them into enemy.

The twins often skip class and sometimes they made there examination a zero score by making there answer scramble since there bored making there honor student status revolk.

They father find out the news as he review there test paper as a result the real score of the twins got 100 percent if they serious. As years has pass their boredom when to extreme that they go to class rarely but instead reading books in the library.


POV Jade

As the bell rang for lunch break I only look at the window for whole period of the class while my brother next to me was sleeping.

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