Chapter 7: Curse player

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POV jade

After we rest from the satellite station, the a.I Butler gave me a box under the table.

"What's this?"

"A medolion set"

Inside of the box was a gear set. It has a helmet that covered the entire head and in front have 8 small cameras, a gloves and a backpack which the wires connected to the gloves and helmet.

I was confuse and the butler explain.

This gear was a special weapon that can hack the electronics like digital weapons such as giga without using a computer. The previous landlord use this for the protection and gathering data from every places in short time.


"No it was you that I should be thankful master"

The A.I butler also give me a device. It look like a knife but it doesn't have sharpness. The Butler told me that it was a teleportation key. It can access to the satellite station gate to open but the key can only use 2 at 3 days but the best part of the key is we don't need to wait like teleportation ball to activate.

"I bid you farewell master"

I activate the key and send to advance technology city in the dark alley.

When our view change we really are send to the dark alley. We walk out while dress in civilian clothes and wearing a fake face mask, after we get out the soldiers a very busy.

We saw more and more trucks carrying soldiers went to city walls. Carrying heavy weapons and artillery cannon.

"Looks like they are preparing"

They probably heard that the enemy soldier are planning to attack this city. I don't know why they attacking but they probably going to invade the city.

Jack and I walk in the city. The civilian evacuate the city and soldiers from the kingdom send their reinforcement.

"Hmm... I didn't expected that this corrupted kingdom send troops"

"They probably didn't know the invasion and the nobles  doesn't tied with the Middleton kingdom"

We are on the bench watching the soldiers on the marching formation and some riding on the giga.

I pick my laptop to get additional information but it's all about the war preparation and recruitment.

I scratch my chin and spoke.

"Reaper do we need to join the recruitment?"

The marques wants to recruit the players all over the city to defend. Although the rewards are not bad but the following quest saying "follow the commander's order". Jack also think of this thought and speak.

" we need to accept it or we join the war without contract"

I also think the same thing but the payment was a waste. After thinking of it more I decided the second option. Although we didn't get pay the completion are coming and it's more important than just a stock of gold.

Jack also agreed to the second option so we find a very good spot on the tallest building and make a plan for battle.


POV William

"We greeting your arrived your highness"

The marques and his subordinates bow to me and father on the big fancy room. We all wear the heavy armor and father glare peircely to marques. 

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