Chapter 21 Part 1

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Camila's POV


That's how I felt the second Lauren had left my room even considering the fact I didn't really want her to be there in the first place. Lena always told me to relax and acknowledge what I wanted in life, I wanted her there it turned out.. she helped me out of the bath and got dressed back into her long silky dress before leaving with a smile while I only slumped half naked into my bed..

I just laid there in thought for what felt like hours as my mind wondered into the oblivion of questions that normally arose when I grew confused.. I was confused? I had spent so long hating everyone especially her, kindness wasn't my forte in acceptance and to be honest I didn't give it much either? But now with her consistent efforts in dropping to my level all I could do was sit there and take it?

She didn't let me leave earlier, I really wanted to leave! Jump right out of the tub and never look back.. forget she had even existed but with every word and finger over my skin she only kept me present.. kept me talking, kept me wanting more.. it hurt me inside, because with every kind word and empathetic stare my heart began to warm, I wasn't used to it in all honesty even though I had great friends? I didn't want more..

It had been a few days since.. the day of the big campaign now here with an early start teething it's way into the horizon.. I was nervous but equally as excited, a tiny part of me hoped my parents would see the advertisement and regret ever doubting me.. I knew they wouldn't though! Especially not my father!

"Left foot back! Ball change!"

Emma sounded from the front of the studio as a few unfamiliar faces began rehearsing the new routines, my body vibrated and my chest felt heavy.. that huge pelt of pain unwanted but there.. I wanted to run away, leave and never come back! For what reason? I wasn't quite sure

"Camila.. baby.. left foot back!"

Emma called gently and for some reason I could hardly lift my eyes to meet her gaze.. it angered me quickly, the soft tone..

"I'm trying!"

"Baby you didn't even move? Is everything ok?"

"Stop talking to me!"

I growled back snapping like an angry lion defending its pack of Cubs.. she walked closer, trying to close the gap between me and the other dancers in aims not to be heard.. she wanted me to be quiet I could tell.. she was sweet, I liked that at first.. the bright glimmering voice that reassured me.. it now only made me agitated and nervous


"I said don't!"

I yelled again turning to face the back of the room with hands against my collarbones breathing deeply enough I could almost feel my lungs expanding.. filling the cavities of my chest while my heart sped up only momentarily.. she didn't talk for a few more moments.. I needed that..

"Yeah, Lauren it's me.. could you come down for a few minutes?.. thanks.."

I heard her speak before the sound of her phone slipping back within her pocket spiked my now pissed off ears.. I snapped around storming half towards her gaze noticing how shocked she became when my growling face was now aimed directly at her stance..

"Why the fuck did you call her?"

"Camila you're being confrontational.. I don't want you to be overwhelmed that's all-

"I'm not a fucking baby? What, you fucking snitched on me?"

I hissed clamping my fingertips into my palms while my heart began to thud like a beating shallow drum.. every gasp of air in the room directed away from my lungs as the tension flooding my blood began to heat.. I felt trapped.. swamped with the pending anxiety of not being able to run.. Lauren wouldn't let me run..

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