"Sorry I'm late! Some things came up!" ___ said running towards me.

        "Don't worry about it! Here!" I said handing her the ice cream. As she grabbed it, her hand brushed mine, Which made my stomach have this strange feeling. What is it... I've never felt it before. But I brushed it off as she started rambling on about her day.

         (YOUR POV)  "So yeah that's why I was late." You finished occasionally licking your ice cream. Jack listened to your story, asking questions occasionally.

        "Hey lets go on that ride!" You said pointing to the newest, highest, roller coaster in the park. Jack looked at it and told you flat out no.

        "Please Jack! Please! Look no ones in line! Its just opening up!" You pleaded. After a good 5 minutes of nos, he finally got annoyed and said yes.

        "Come on! We still have time if we hurry! We can be on the first ride of the opening!" You said dragging Jack away. You waited in line, unfortunately, Jack slowed you down. Once you guys were up, they seated you and Jack into the seats. He was breathing heavily.

        "Jack? Whats wrong?" You asked.

        "Just you know freaking out!" He whined. The roller coaster started and he grabbed your hand (accidentally). He quickly repostioned his hand on the handles. (A/N In handles I mean the silver thing they put over you so you don't possibly fly out)

        "____ is the drop coming?" He asked nervously, squeezing his eyes shut.

        "No....." You lied. At that moment, Jack opened his eyes, and coincidentally, the ride was at its peak, and it zoomed down the slope. You screamed, making Jack cringe even more. You laughed hysterically throughout the ride, because Jack couldn't handle it. Once the ride was over he stated,

        "Never again." You laughed hysterically at him, not dropping the subject of him being a wimp.

        --Eyeless Jack HIS POV-- 

        ____ and I have been hanging out almost everyday. She was a little freaked out when she found out my hobby, but she soon overcame that and thought of me as somewhat normal. Which to me was amazing, I had an actual friend who I wasn't threatening to be my friend. I went to ___ house, today we were just going to watch movies. I knocked on the door, and ___ answered.

        "Hey! EJ!  Come on I have the Conjuring. I'm making the popcorn now!" ___ said going back into the kitchen. I sat on the couch, waiting for ____. Once she came back she sat next to me. The movie played, but when something scary happened ___ clutched my arm. Her movements made my heart skip a beat. I ignored this strange feeling and focused on the movie. (YOUR POV)

        The movie was ridiculously scary. You must've clutched EJ's arm at least 10 times. How did he not get scared!? Once the movie was over, you had made your way on his lap, nestling your face in his chest due to the scariness. EJ Bursted out laughing at your reaction to the movie.

        "It wasn't  that scary ___." He laughed even harder. You tried to get mad and glared at him. But he kept laughing. You couldn't keep a straight face, and bursted out laughing with him. You both laughed for a good 5 minutes, before you got off of EJ's lap.

        --Lost Silver- His Pov-

        After my awkward appearance in her bedroom. The next day she played Pokemon and I jumped out again. That's how we became so close, and she doesn't even care that I stutter. I was waiting for her to load up Pokemon so I could visit her, since Slender grounded me for not killing my victim. Once I saw ___ IP address come up I immediately went through the screen into her room.

        "H-Hey ___" I said. ___ looked surprised that I had to come out so quickly. I told her that Slender had grounded. She giggle which made my heart flutter. I was ignoring the fact that I realized I liked her. (YOUR POV)

        Slender had grounded Silver which made you giggle.

        "Sliver come on were going out!" You said planning on going to the park.

        "O-Ok..." Silver stuttered. You giggled at his stutter, you thought it was adorable. You pulled him along into the park even though he was unsure.

        "Silver! Come on your so slow!" You complained pulling him by the arm, towards the pond. You to both sat down on the grass, gazing at the pond. Until you noticed Silver fidgeting.

        "Uh- Uh..." Silver was looking down. You looked over at him to see he only had one arm. You bursted out laughing at the sight.

        "Hey- Y-you don't know the f-feeling of loosing y-your arms." He complained. His stutter made you laugh even harder. Which made Silver laugh, at you laughing.

        --BEN Drowned- His POV-

   Ever since I scared ___ half to death, I've been hanging out at her place to escape all the annoying idiots at the Mansion. We usually just play video games together, hang out like usual. I was waiting for ___ to get home all day, being bored out of my mind with Hoodie and Masky bombing me with questions, like where I was always going. Once I saw ___ DS turn on, I jumped right through the screen.

        "___ Your a life saver!" I said. ___  smirked as if she had something in mind.

        "Are you ready to play a game?" She said picking up her makeup bag.

        "No... No your not!" I yelled. But she somehow distracted me, and binded my hands together. I used all my strength to get out but the ropes wouldn't budge.

        "Where did you even get rope? How do you even know how to tie ropes like this?!" I complained using all my possible strength.

        "My special defense class taught me to always be aware, and keep ropes and weapons at all times!" She laughed. She brought me over to her makeup desk or whatever. She put her hands on my face, rubbing in some type of tan lotion (foundation) which made my cheeks flush a slight pink. (YOUR POV)

        I was giving BEN a makeover!

        "Why are you poking my eyes with brushes?!" BEN whined. You laughed.

        "Women go through this everyday. You can deal with it for one." You said before finishing. You laughed so hard at his face.

        "___!" BEN yelled. You unbinded his hands and he chased you around your house, laughing hysterically. He hadn't given up on chasing you, so your jumped over the couch. BEN was fast enough to pin you down.

        "BEN! I swear if you-" You were cut off by laughing hysterically. He tickled you, and you HATED being tickled.

        "Payback!" He yelled laughing. You both were there playing around, running around the house the whole day.


        (A/N: If You Have Any Requests, I Suggest You Do Them Sooner Than Later, That Way The         Story Isnt A Confusing Mess. I May Just Add Them At The End Of Each Chapter And Put A/Ns         To  Tell You Guys. IDK! Tell Me In The Comments, Or Message Me!)

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