Cassie had given it to me a couple months ago, a month after she had first come to Northside and found out I was ADHD and dyslexic. It had an ancient Greek word written on the beads- 'Agápe,' the word for 'love'. She told me to never, ever take it off. When I asked her why not, she told me it was a symbol of our friendship, and as long as I had it on, we would still be friends.

 I always wore the bracelet.

Though sometimes, like this time, when I would play with the beads, she would give me a poison dagger look and I would stop immediately. I could only wear it, not play with it, apparently.

 Only now I did it because I was an airhead and I forgot that Cassie would kill me with her dagger stare if I didn't stop.

 As if on cue, Cassie's pencil flew right in between my finger and the bracelet. But time seemed to slow down as it flew past, and I snatched it right out of the air. Cassie stared back at me like she wasn't surprised, though she was glaring at me. My eyes were wide, but I shoved it off and threw her pencil back. She turned back to her binder, and I turned back to mine.

 Madam Sheval had begun speaking in French, so fast that I don't think anyone but me understood what she was saying. She told us she had tests to hand back, and I felt a shock go up my back. This was one of the only subjects in which I could expect an A.

  Sadly, as she walked back to the front of the room with a large stack of test papers, at there was a gigantic CRASH! My only thought was 'Dang it, I won't know my test score!'

 I looked around wildly, noting the gaping hole in the side of room with the windows on it. Glass had flown everywhere, though no one appeared hurt. I also noted the gigantic troll that was now standing in the middle of my French class.

 Madam Sheval's eyes opened wide.

"Class! Evacuate!" She threw the door open and began shepherding people out the door. I was almost to Cassie, about to grab the handles of her chair to wheel her out, when she grabbed my wrist. She looked deep into my eyes.

 "Fight it, Violet." I wasn't sure I heard her right, so I began to move the chair forward. She gripped my wrist harder. I looked back down at her.

 "Fight it, Violet! You can do it!" She grabbed my bracelet from my wrist and twisted a bead. From the bead, a sword appeared. The rest of the beads from the bracelet decorated the hilt. It was sparkling in the lights from the ceiling, a beautiful bronze color. I gaped at it as Cassie thrust it into my hand.

 "Fight it!"

"Are you crazy!? It'll squash me like a bug!"

"Vi, you can do it!"

"NO, I CAN'T!" I screeched, as the trolls tossed over some desks. Papers flew in every direction, making it hard to see.

 Madam Sheval stood in the doorway, waiting for us.

"Violette!" She cried my French name, "Come quickly!"

I grit my teeth, and said, "No! I got this! Go, Madam! Protect the other students!"

She looked me up and down, before nodding and running out of sight, with something sparkly sliding down her cheeks.

 The door slammed shut behind her. The troll roared. "HALFBLOOD!" He-at least, I think it was a 'he'- said, screaming in my face, his foul breath making my senses catch fire.

 "C'mon Violet!" Cassie shouted. She groaned as rose from her chair. Suddenly, her legs began to grow, and her wheelchair disappeared. My eyes widened to the size of quarters, but I snapped back to reality as the troll through another desk.

If Looks Could Kill *Percy Jackson and the Olympians*Where stories live. Discover now