Michael helped me dry Clark off and get him to our bed. We set him on his stomach gently, Michael was shocked at the damage to his back, "Oh god, Char what do you think that was?"

I rubbed the salve into the wounds slowly, "Whatever it was, it was laced with sliver. That's why he couldn't just come back, it was killing him out there." Clark cried out in pain as I massaged the salve in gently. Michael's eyes studied us, he sighed as rubbed the back of his neck. I pushed an adrenaline stick into Clark's mouth, "Bite down honey, this will make the healing happen faster." He did as I requested. I turned to Michael and walked into his arms. He held on to me as I cried quietly into his chest. He stroked my hair slowly, not saying anything just letting me cry. I had been so afraid I wouldn't see Clark again. Michael kissed my forehead as moved away, back to Clark's side.

"Call me if you need me, I'm just in my room." He told me as he left. Exhaustion hit me suddenly. I noticed the sun was coming through the curtains, it was about the time Tabitha and Amy would be waking up to start breakfast. I crawled into bed next to Clark, staring at his face. His hair was like silk through my fingers, he purred at my touch. "I was so scared Clark, I thought I might never see you again." I whispered. He groaned, "Nothing will keep me from you, not even death." He reached out slowly, resting his hand on my belly.

"SShhh," I whispered, "I love you my dearest. Rest, I will watch over you." I leaned forward and kissed his face. He pecked me cheek as he fell asleep next to me. Closing my eyes, I let myself drift off to sleep next to him, breathing in apple pie and healing salve.

Waking a few hours later, I noticed a tray had been placed in our room for us. It was toast, eggs and bacon with juice and milk. It was cold by the time I ate it, but the food tasted so good. I hadn't eaten in almost a whole day; it had slipped my mind. Before I could stop myself I ate Clark's portion as well, I would blame it on the pregnancy cravings. I moved next to Clark, the gashes on his back had closed. He was healing quickly. Rubbing more salve into the wounds he stirred, "Charlotte, are you alright?"

I giggled, "Honey, I should be asking you that." Clark rolled over to face me. Slowly he sat up on the edge of the bed, wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me close to him. He leaned his face into my chest and breathed deeply, "Thank god you found me. I tried to call to you, but I was too far to link. I crawled into that hole, praying you would sense me."

As I stroked his hair gently I could feel our baby responding to his voice. "I felt your pain. It cut through me like a hot knife through butter. I fell to the floor in agony. After that I had to find you." I whispered. Clark looked up at me, his face almost completely healed from his ordeal the day before, "I love you Charlotte." I leaned forward and kissed him passionately. He stood up quickly, pulling my body as close to his as possible, exploring my mouth with his tongue.

I broke the kiss, breathless. Pressing my forehead against his I grasped his face, "I vowed to never leave your side, and I never will." Clark growled, pulling me in and kissing me again, harder this time. There was urgency in his kisses, he was terrified he was going to die out there, alone. To sooth him, I stroked his hair slowly. I moved my lips against his mouth gently, he responded in kind. Clark's heart stopped pounding, he was allowing himself to relax.

"I ate all your breakfast." I whispered against his lips. He chuckled, gazing at me, "Of course you did." Pulling him to his feet we got dressed and made our way down to the kitchen. It was deserted so I made him some toast with eggs and fruit. Clark ate it quickly, so I had to make more eggs. His body needed the protein to heal. Though he was a bit sluggish he was healing very well since I washed out the silver from his wounds. I wanted to know what kind of weapon was used to inflict that kind of damage. Clark was an extremely strong werewolf, it had to be a weapon of considerable power to do that kind of damage. When you add the silver, it just increased the devastation.

Moving behind him, I lifted his shirt up and ran his hands over the gashes. Clark didn't move, he welcomed my touch. I focused my mind on them, trying to understand what had done it. I slowed my breathing, "Clark baby, focus with me on the wounds. I want to see if I can feel anything from it." He nodded, slowing his breathing down while I pressed both my hands on his back.

My eyes were closed tightly as I focused all my energy into my mate, he matched my slow breathing. I felt a tingle start in the back of my neck, flowing though the rest of my body. I started to see lights behind my eyes as my focus continued. There was a faint smell, I tried to make it out but it was still too light. In my mind, I reached for it. The smell, it was... it was some kind of animal. It wasn't a normal rogue wolf; it was something else.

I released my hands, smoothing Clark's shirt down over his back. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked.

He turned around on the chair and looked at me, "My team followed the scout to where the rogues were last seen. We could smell they were close, so we were prepared. There must have been fifteen of them, we were outnumbered but we were holding our own. It was a rough fight but we were alright until I felt some horrible pain shoot across my back. It knocked me out of my wolf form and onto the ground, I must have gone into shock. A roar ripped through the air unlike anything else I have ever heard before. My warriors started to get ripped to shreds around me, one after another. I crawled, trying to help them but the rogues tore them apart." He told me, I pulled him to my body for a tight hug as he let his tears fall. "In the battle they must have forgotten about me as I crawled into that hole. They took the bodies. I saw the wolves; they should have been no match for our warriors but they tore them apart in no time. They were just rogues, average size rogues yet they had a power."

I rubbed his back slowly, "Did you see the one who knocked you down?" He shook his head, "No I didn't, but I felt the power of it knock me down. Whatever it was, it is stronger then any wolf I have ever seen." Nodding, I pulled Clark as close to my body as I could. I knew one thing for certain, he did not escape by accident. Whatever this thing was, it let him survive, it wanted Clark alive. The question was why.

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