Chapter 11

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I met with Cheryl after lunch about the werebears. She had a large folder for me to go over full of werebear lore. I read through it in the library, asking her questions as I went. Tabitha brought us tea and sat down with us, examining the papers as well. I learned that this werebear pack was called the Ice Water pack, home to about four hundred werebears. They were the largest pack in Canada, but only about a dozen werebear packs still exist in the entire country. They are very secretive, not trusting outsiders with much information including other werebear packs. According to one document, there used to be many more werebears but they have been wiped out by werewolves over the years over resources and territory. It seemed like a long a bloody history between our species.

"Based on what these documents say, this pack shouldn't be meeting with us. How is this meeting even happening?" I asked Cheryl.

She smiled at me knowingly, "The Ice Water pack are a very large pack, so they are not as threatened as a smaller pack would be. Also they outnumber us four to one so we are actually the underdogs as it were. Our packs have lived peacefully up here for over two hundred years in close proximity."

I nodded, handing another document to Tabitha to read, "So what are we hoping to get out of this meeting?"

"We are hoping to draft a treaty between our packs, the very first of it's kind between werebears and werewolves. We would like for them to share their medical knowledge with us in exchange for protection and support during their hibernation periods." Cheryl told me.

"That sounds amazing. Do you think they will agree?" I asked.

Cheryl smiled, "I hope so, I know that their Alpha has great respect for ours. We have helped them in the past with food for their pack. Their hunting skills are not excellent, when werebears come out of hibernation they are starving and weak. In the past ten years we have brought them several fresh kills at this time to help sustain their packs."

I continued through the documents, there was so much to learn. I felt a bit overwhelmed with it all. Tabitha poured us all some more tea and seemed engrossed with the information as well.

"There is one more thing that is important to know, the werebears will not train males to be their druids, only females are given that gift. They see it as a connection between the earth and our cycles. Since females can give live, they are also in charge of healing it." Cheryl told me. I looked up at her, my eyes wide. That was indeed interesting.

Cheryl excused herself, telling me she would be happy to help out with anything else if I needed her. I stayed in the library well after supper time going over all the documents multiple times. At some point Tabitha brought me soup and a rabbit kabob, though I can't say what time that was.

Clark mind linked me, asking me where I was, I looked at the clock in the library, it was almost 9pm. I was amazed I had been in there for so long. I told him I was coming to our room as I packed up the folder.

I arrived in our room to find Clark was laying on our bed, reading a book. He looked up and smiled at me, "What have you been up to? I missed you at dinner."

"I was in the library reading about the werebears." I told him, lifting the folder before I set it down on our dresser.

He nodded, "You have been busy my darling, I am sure you are more prepared then Heath or myself at this point."

"Your mother was a very big help. She is amazing, I just love her." I told him. I started to undress. I did it slowly, not really looking at my mate, just taking my clothes off one piece at a time to see if I could get a reaction.

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