He kissed my stomach over and over again, so slowly, "I am in love with every single part of you, from top to bottom." I smiled, my eyes heaving as I gazed at him. He looked up at me, "I am going to miss you so much darling. A month is a long time for a mate to be without the other."

I nodded, "I know honey, I will miss you too. I'll be back at the beginning in August, then we can stay locked in our room for a week if you want." He laughed, reaching up to my face and kissing my lips tenderly.

"It's not just about that, I will miss everything about you." Clark told me, looking down into my face, "I will miss your smell, the way you snore at night, the way you feel. I will miss everything."

I felt a tear fall down my cheek, he wiped it away carefully. "Clark, I don't know why I still have the baby but there must be a reason. I am hoping Rose has an explanation for us." I whispered into his ear. He shivered against me, burying his face in my hair as he always did.

"Darling, no matter what happens we love this child and we will love them all. I love you, no matter what happens. I will be here when you return, we will be together forever and beyond." He told me carefully. I searched his face, I loved him so much. I kissed him sweetly, muttering how much I loved him against his mouth. He wrapped me up in blankets and cradled me in his arms as we fell asleep.

The next morning came too soon. I had packed my bags the night before. Tabitha had helped me pack an herb bag as well. She had sewn it for me herself made from the skins of a wolverine. When it rolled out, it had several pouches and pockets for various sizes and shapes. It was a wonderful gift. Clark was going to take me there, Michael packed the side by side for us while we said our goodbyes.

David gave me a hug, "Good luck my dear. You will make all of us proud." I thanked him. My in-laws engulfed me in a hug between the two of them, not saying anything, just holding me. Heath pulled me into an embrace as well, Clark didn't make a sound like he used to do. I hugged him back, "Take good care of your brother." I told him, Heath nodded into my shoulder, "I promised him no more teasing about you. I will keep that promise." I giggled and pated him on the back as I stepped towards the side by side. Michael rushed me and gave me a tight hug, "I'm going to stay until you come back. Thank you for all you have done for me, Char. I'm excited to hear about this adventure." I nodded, "Please, stay as long as you want. We love having you here with us." I promised him. He pulled me tighter, I sighed into my brother's shoulder.

Clark patted him on the back, signaling it was time for us to go. He helped me climb in the side by side. We drove away, waving at them as we left. The drive was rough but I held Clark's hand the entire way. When we arrived, Doris and Rose were waiting for us out in front. Clark helped me out of the vehicle and gave my bags to some Omegas who carried them in quickly.

"Good morning Charlotte, we are pleased to welcome you here for your training." Doris said warmly. I smiled and nodded to her. I gestured to some packages in the back of the side by side, "I have brought a gift from Black Lake, it is twenty pounds of smoked pike for your pack. I caught it all myself, we hope you enjoy it."

The Alpha and the Gamma stared at me, then looked to each other, "That is an unexpected offering. Thank you very much. You say you caught it all yourself?" Rose inquired, taking a few steps closer to us to examine the packages in the side by side.

"I did, I joined a fishing team, I'm not very good at it yet, but I managed to catch quite a bit of pike in the last few weeks. I wanted to bring it with me to show how thankful I am for this opportunity." I told her. Clark smiled at me, proudly. I hadn't really fished before moving to the Northwest Territories, but I was enjoying learning the skill.

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