"I am glad you and my mother get along. It certainly makes my life easier." Clark said, laughing. I giggled, undoing my bra and tossing it into the hamper. I let my breasts be bare as I started to unzip my jeans.

Clark started to study me, I heard his book snap shut. I could sense he was paying more attention to my movements.

"I hope I am helpful tomorrow, "I muttered, trying to remain nonchalant, "I have no experience with werebears." I slid my jeans down to the floor and slipped my underwear down, bending all the way over to pick the up and toss them in the hamper as well.

Clark moaned as he lifted himself off the bed. I let my hair fall down my back as I removed my hair tie. He was coming up behind me, "Not having experience doesn't mean you won't be good at it my darling."

I turned around to face him, he was right behind me. Clark caught me in his arms and pulled me into a warm embrace. He kissed my lips with heat, slipping his tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I lifted my leg and wrapped it around his hip bone. Clark moaned into my mouth, sliding his hands down my sides to my hips.

"I just want to do a good job for our pack," I whispered against his lips, "to make you proud."

Clark lifted me up against chest, I wrapped my legs around his waist and nibbled on his lips.

He moaned into my mouth, "I am always proud of you, you are the most amazing woman in the world to me. I am in awe of you every single day."

"MMMM," I groaned, "you are quite the sweet talker Beta Duffey."

Clark giggled against my lips, "I'm only smooth because you make me smooth."

I slid my hands down his back, letting my finger nails trail. He gasped, "Oh god Char, you are making me crazy."

"Good." I teased, licking his mark following up with a small nip. He growled loudly, finally giving in and taking me to the bed. He fell backwards letting me land on top of him, we fell into a deep kiss. After we made love we fell asleep, I could get used to the daily doses of sex and the deep sleeps at Black Lake.

We were up at dawn the next morning, eating breakfast and outside the pack house by 7am. We had to take the side by sides to the meeting since roads were non-existent in our territory. Clark and I were with his parents, Heath took David and Timothy. It was about an hour from our pack house to theirs. When we arrived I was amazed at how huge theirs was. It was built into the side of a rock face. There was no way to tell how actually large it was from the outside because it went into the rocks but I was sure it was very large considering they have more then four hundred pack members. Clark rubbed my shoulders as we stepped out of the vehicle and up the steps to the pack house. He could tell I was nervous.

Three men came out the front of the pack house before we could reach the door. They all towered over us, and the Duffeys were not small men. I had never seen werebears before, but even in human form they were enormous. There were handshakes all around, no real words were spoken, we were led inside to the foyer. The pack house was indeed huge. I could see there were many levels to it, going underground and far back into the rock face. There were warm animal skin rugs all over the floors and florescent torches mounted on the walls. It was definitely a cave.

A woman with black hair strode up to us and greeted David, they embraced, saying words to each other I could not hear. She turned and motioned for us all to follow. We walked down a series of corridors, deeper underground. I was sure I would never be able to find my way out of here on my own. Clark held my hand as we continued to follow the woman. No one seemed concerned so I felt uneasy for nothing. We came to a large oak double door with intricate carvings all over it in she shapes of bears. The woman motioned for us to stop and then moved inside the door, leaving us all outside. No one spoke, we just waited for a few minutes until the doors were opened wide for us.

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