Finally, my father hung up and turned to face us. His eyes were black again. In one day I had seen his eyes go dark more times then I had ever seen before in my entire life. He was livid, furious, so angry. "Dad, what is happening?" I asked him, still holding onto my mother.

He crossed the room and sat down in the chair, his phone still in his hand, "Marie ran off with that boy Anthony. When we told her we were going to turn in at 1am, that she should come back to the room in about an hour she said she wanted to go with Anthony. I said no, she needed to come back to her own room until they were properly acquainted. Anthony got very angry and pulled her away from us and dragged her off."

I stared at him in disbelief. That wasn't like Marie, she wouldn't disregard our parents like that. She would disagree, pout and whine but never just run off and leave. I shook my head, "Where did they go?"

"I don't know. I went to follow but that damn Alpha Martins stepped in front of me and told me to respect his son's claim. That she was his now, not ours and I needed to step away. I tried to push past him and he sucker punched me in the face. Your poor mother shrieked and I was dumbstruck. We searched the whole ball and main floor but we couldn't find them. I was just on the phone with the leaders of the exhibition, they are sending out some chaperones out to look for them now." My father went on, "I tried to call the Martins' room but they didn't answer. He wouldn't even come to the door. There was no answer at the son's room either. I called Marie's phone but it went straight to voicemail."

"The Alpha hit you?!" I asked. He nodded. I couldn't believe it. That is so primal and primitive. I was shocked someone would do that to our father. Especially when he was just trying to protect his daughter. I was also shocked that Marie would go with his son, who was on the path to be like him I was sure. I listened to my mother crying her heart out, it was devastating. My heart broke a little bit.

"I called our Alpha, he is getting on the phone to the heads of the exhibition. I am hoping that helps us find her. I'm not sure what more I can do." My father whispered. He looked so embarrassed and hurt. "I am going to get some help." I rose and kissed the top of my mother's head. "I'm going to ask Clark and his father to help. They might have some ideas."

My father nodded, he crossed the room to my mother and held her close. I ran to my room, pulling on a bunny hug and out the door. I found Clark's room and knocked hard on the door. I heard movement inside, Clark came to the door. His eyes went wide when he saw me, taking my shoulders in his hands, "Darling what is wrong?"

I told him everything my father told me. Clark's face fell as I finished the story. "We need to find them; we need to find her." I whispered, the tears had started to come finally. He hugged me tightly, kissing my hair and nodded. "Come with me, we need to talk to my father."

Samuel Duffey and his wife we so kind as I told them what had happened. Cheryl rose and gave me a warm hug, "I will go to your parents and try to help your mother. I can't imagine how worried and upset she must be." With that she put on a housecoat with slippers and left the room. Samuel looked at Clark, his eyes very stern, "Son, we need to go and find out where the caves are in this city. That is probably where he's taken her." Clark nodded.

"Caves?" I asked. Clark turned to me and pursed his lips, "It's a rent by the hour hotel type of thing for our kind. They are usually full of seedy types of folks, not much good happens in the caves of a city." I turned up my nose as he explained it to me. I didn't even know there was a place like that.

Samuel nodded, "Clark get dressed and meet me downstairs in ten minutes. We will go and find out where they are. Charlotte, go back to your parents and wait for us to return. I am sure we can find her, and when we do, we will bring her back. I can promise you that."

Northern Lights:  The Druid of Black LakeWhere stories live. Discover now