Final A/N

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First of all, thank you. I know this one wasn't as big as Rival, but I think it improved my writing so much. As usual, I loved your comments with all my heart and appreciate every single one of you. 

I ended this earlier than I expected because I didn't want to drag it on, While I do feel like my writing itself improved, I didn't like the actual story as much which made it really hard for me to motivate myself. I'm sorry if you could feel that in the writing (I know I did),  but I'm DEFINITELY improving that  on the next story. I think I felt a little rushed too because I didn't plan this one out as much. And I know this story felt rushed, so sorry again,

I promised my Charlie fans a Charlie fic, and I have not forgotten. Fireball will come out EVENTUALLY, but I need some time to deal with other stuff right now. BUT definitely stay tuned, and I will keep you updated. I already love the OC  (ofc she's gonna be strong and confident and a little arrogant ;)

I'm so glad I got to write a slightly more mature and well-written story, and I truly think it helped me grow as a writer. Even though the story wasn't my absolute favorite, I still grew from it and I enjoyed writing!

As I may have mentioned to a couple of you before, I am interlinking all my fics, so keep your eyes peeled for Easter eggs from either Rival or Assumption

I'm going to edit this and revise to my liking and will let you know when I'm done. I'm really not as happy with this as I would like to be, so I owe it to myself to fix it up a bit.

Anyway, peace out, love y'all as always, and I'm gonna try to be more active on wattpad in general and keep u all updated. I'm determined to make this next story great.


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