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Breakfast this morning was a quiet affair. 

But didn't start out that way. 

In fact, when I walked into the Great Hall, the room was busy as usual. Hazel and Anna had went down to breakfast early and were already eating at one end of the table. The morning was bright, sunlight streaming through the windows of the hall. I walked through the crowd to reach my friends before plopping down next to Anna at the Slytherin table.

"Morning," Anna said.

"Morning," I sat down. I grabbed a plate off the center of the table and loaded some food on it- toast, eggs, and a piece of bacon.

"We're getting our papers back today," Hazel said before biting into a muffin. 

"Ugh no," Anna groaned, "It's too early for my day to be ruined already."

"I'm sure you did fine," Hazel assured.

"I doubt it, but thank you," Anna smirked. 

"What did you do yours on again?" I asked absentmindedly, taking a bit of bacon. 

Neither Hazel nor Anna responded. The two of them just gawked at me instead.

"Thalia," Hazel started slowly.

"Yes?" I raised my eyebrows

"You just ate a piece of bacon," Anna said as a matter-of-factly.

"I'm aware," I smirked, and the two girls' eyes widened.

"This is huge!" Hazel exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes, "I figured it was time to try it." The two of them gaped exaggeratedly, making me laugh.

"And?" Hazel grinned.

"It's not bad," I smiled.

"I told you I told you I told you!" Anna grinned and we laughed. 

We continued to eat until many owls soared into the Great Hall. One of Hogwarts' many tawny owls (I didn't really have a need for my own) swooped down and dropped a copy of The Daily Prophet into my lap.  I unwrapped the twine and opened the newspaper.

And then the Great Hall went silent.

The shuffling of feet, voices of students, clang of silverware.

All silent.

Attack on London- Thirty-four Muggleborns Dead.

Everyone who was subscribed to the prophet (AKA everyone at Hogwarts), read the headline. Not a sound came from any table. 

I scanned the list of names, searching for anyone familiar. I let out a sigh of relief when I didn't recognize anyone. But honestly I wasn't too surprised- there weren't many people in my life to begin with, even less who were muggleborn. 

I looked around the hall to see everyone else reading through the list. A girl from the Hufflepuff table got up and walked out of the hall, holding back her tears. It was likely she recognized a name.

It was moments like these when we remembered our reality. Caught a glimpse of what our life was going to look like after we abandoned the castle walls.

I looked over at Regulus who had a blank expression. He did a damn good job of hiding any emotion, but was clenching his fists as he read the article. 

Slowly but surely, people began eating again. No one was laughing anymore, but whispers turned into normal voices. 

"It's awful," Anna said, resuming eating. 

Assumption // Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now