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Though it had only been a few weeks, we'd already begun chipping away at the infamous seventh-year workload. Luckily, I was only taking six N.E.W.Ts unlike some of our counterparts who had fully packed schedules. Still, I had an incredible amount of homework. 

On the first Saturday of the school year, a couple of us spent the day outside in the courtyard. The weather was beautiful- the willow trees swaying in the gentle wind, the grass looking three times greener in the sun. Most students tended to take advantage of the non-rainy weather. 

I gazed around the courtyard while my friends were chattering away. The Marauders were sitting in a tree doing God knows what, a group of Hufflepuffs were having a picnic, and some students were just laying down in the warm grass, soaking up the sun. 

I turned back to my friends to see Anna and Liam bickering (surprise surprise). The two of them, Ace, and I were sitting underneath a large willow, enjoying the weather too. Both Ace and I just watched Liam and Anna's back and forth with amused expressions. 

"You wouldn't," Anna gaped at him.

"Oh, but I would and I will," Liam smirked back. The four of us looked at the two oblivious Gryffindor boys who couldn't be older than 13, sitting a few steps away. 

"You cannot do magic on other kids!" Anna chastised him through gritted teeth. 

"Well it's the best form of practice, is it not? More motivation for me to get the spell right," his grin continued to grow. He had recently learned the silent incantation for the jelly legs charm and was convinced he needed a test-subject. 

"Liam Townes, you are not hexing those kids. As a prefect I forbid it."

"Guess you're just going to have to punish me then," he smirked suggestively and pulled out his wand, aiming it towards the two unsuspecting boys.  

"Mr. Townes!" McGonagall yelled from across the courtyard. Liam, who's grinning face turned pale at the professor's voice, tucked his wand away immediately. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing. The professor walked up to us. "Must I remind you that it is strictly forbidden to use magic on other students."

"No, professor," he replied, trying to hide a small smile.

"That's what I thought," she said cooly, "Don't let me see it again."

"I won't," he said apologetically. The professor turned and walked away. "...let you see it."

"I heard that," she called as she walked away. The three of us fell into a fit of laughter at Liam's paling expression. 

"I swear if it wasn't for me you'd have been expelled in our first year," Anna rolled her eyes. The two bantered back and forth, and I smiled to myself. 

"Tals, did you get an invite to the first Slugclub meeting?" Ace asked.

"Yeah, dunno if I want to go though," I shrugged. 

"When is it?" Anna asked.

"September 29th," Ace replied.

"It's probably just going to be the same shit as usual: Oh Mr. Montgomery, how's your father? Ms. Lark, I hear you preformed an excellent incendio spell in Defense Against the Dark Arts," I mocked, rolling my eyes, and the three of them laughed. 

"Though I do have to admit, it is very validating," Ace chuckled.

"That's true," I laughed. 

"Shit," Anna said abruptly and jumped up from her spot in the grass. "Ace, we have practice in two minutes." Ace followed her action, and the two said goodbye. 

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