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The adjustment to school was getting easier. I still stayed up virtually every night in the common room, but I was making an effort to come off as more friendly and upbeat around my classmates. This was mostly because how sick I was of my teachers treating me like I was glass, threatening to break at any moment. My friends were fine and my peers acted the same, but every one of my teachers gave me looks of pity on the daily. It was incredibly annoying. 

Ace, Anna, Joe, and Augie had told us that the quidditch team was looking better than ever which put them in a good mood, therefore making it difficult for me to be in a bad mood. Hazel, Liam, and I spent a lot of time together after school, as none of us played the sport. 

We mostly stayed in the library, studying or doing homework together. As we were working on some charms homework one afternoon, a scared-looking second-year Hufflepuff came up to our table.

"Hello?" Liam asked cautiously. 

"This erm," the boy swallowed, "This is for you," he handed me a note. "And P-professor Dumbledore says he likes chocolate frogs." The boy practically sprinted away from our table after saying this. 

"The fuck's that?" Liam asked.

"No clue," I shrugged. I opened the folded parchment and read silently to myself.

Ms. Lark,

I hope your first few weeks back are going well. I'm writing to ask if we could have a chat in my office- perhaps before dinner tonight? 

- Professor Albus Dumbledore

I swallowed, already knowing what this "chat" was about.

"Everything ok?" Hazel asked gently.

"Yeah, fine," I shrugged, forcing a smirk while folding up the letter, "Dumbledore just wants to meet with me."

"Don't tell me you've gotten expelled," Liam joked, "I'm nothing without your homework answers."

"Liam," I gasped, putting a hand over my chest in fake offense," I feel so used."  The three of us laughed and continued working on our homework for the rest of the afternoon. 

Anna and Ace joined us after some time when their practice finished. Around five o'clock, however, I said goodbye to my friends and walked up towards Dumbledore's office. 

Walked was being generous. I dragged my feet up the steps and came to a door that was guarded by a large gargoyle. 

"Chocolate frogs," I said. I waited a moment and was confused when nothing happened. Suddenly, the stone wall slid over, revealing a spiral staircase. I hesitantly walked up the steps before arriving at another wooden door with a Griffin door-knocker.

Just as I reached up to knock the door, Dumbledore's voice called from the other side. 

"Come in," the voice called faintly. I pushed open the door to be met by the spectacular sight that was Dumbledore's study. Countless trinkets littered a few desks, an enchanted starry ceiling hung over the room, and a majestic red bird- a phoenix, I identified- sat on a perch next to the greying headmaster. "Welcome," he smiled warmly. I did my best not to gawk too much as I walked further into the study.

"Good evening," I said with a small smile. I glanced back over at the phoenix, admiring his dramatic coloring. The bird's wings shone brightly under the magical ceiling, making the feathers sparkle like rubies. 

"Fawkes," Dumbledore said.


"Fawkes," He motioned to the bird, "My phoenix. Would you like to meet him?"

Assumption // Regulus BlackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz