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A/N: I'm posting 2 today just because I feel like they're both chapters to better get to know the characters etc etc. Don't worry, we will get some action starting in a bit...


The first few days of classes consisted of reading countless syllabi and doing icebreakers. If I gave you one galleon for every good reason as to why we still did icebreakers, you'd be absolutely broke. 

On the third day of school, Anna, Ace, Joe, and Augie were at a morning quidditch tryout. Liam did not play the sport, but was a notorious late sleeper. That left Hazel and I to walk to potions together from breakfast.  

As we were walking to class on the rainy morning, Sirius Black's voice rang through the corridor. 

"Oi Lark," he yelled from behind us. Hazel and I didn't stop walking. 

"3, 2, 1," I counted slowly to her. Sure enough, on the count of one Sirius was walking in stride with us. "Told you," I smirked at Hazel before turning to him. 

"Black," I nodded. 

"How was your summer?" He asked with a grin. If only you knew. I felt Hazel tense up ever so slightly. 

"Could've been better," I shrugged. If we're going off technicalities here, it wasn't a lie.

"Aren't you going to ask how mine was?" He smirked, shaking his long hair out of his face with a grin. 

"No," I shrugged. 

"I'm hurt," he put a hand over his heart dramatically.

"I think you'll live," I gave him a small pout before turning my eyes back to face the crowd of students ahead. 

"What class do you have now?"

"Astronomy," I lied. 

"Cool, cool," I could practically hear the smirk. "Except you're walking in the opposite direction of the Astronomy tower."

"Oh silly me," I smirked, sparing a glance at him. Hazel snickered next to me. 

"Yeah yeah, see you around Lark," he smirked before veering off into McGonagall's classroom. Since day one, Sirius had some weird infatuation with me. He had a crush on me in our first couple of years. At this point, however, he didn't even fancy me, it was just a habit of his to flirt with me for old times sake. Between you and me, I was 99 percent sure he was shagging one of his best friends.

Moving on- Hazel and I walked into Slughorn's classroom to find it relatively empty. A few Ravenclaws were chatting with one another, but we were the first Slytherins to step through the door.

"Ah Ms. Lark and Ms. Prune," Slughorn smiled, "Sit anywhere you'd like."

"Thanks," we chorused with smiles before picking a table towards the back of the classroom. The class was small and cramped with many potions and supplies littering the tables. The potions classroom always had a really distinct smell- oak desks, old books, and fire. I liked the class, though I can't say the same about the teacher. It wasn't as though he was mean or anything, and he wasn't a horrible teacher, but he liked to talk. A lot. 

Speaking of talking, 

"Ms. Lark," Slughorn said from his desk, "May I speak with you briefly after class."

Absolutely not.

"Sure," I forced a smile. 

"Excellent," he nodded. 

I gave Hazel and annoyed look and she just pitifully pat my shoulder. The two of us chatted for a bit while more students filled into the class. Liam walked in, yawning, and sat down at the desk to the right of us. 

Assumption // Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now