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A/N: Hi, I'm back! I had such a busy weekend and was able to get on wattpad maybe once for five minutes. I should be back to posting regularly for awhile. 


It had been a week now since I'd confronted Regulus. We hadn't spoken a single word to one another. He hadn't so much as glanced in my direction. He certainly didn't read in the common room anymore.

Anna and I were doing homework in the library only a few tables away from him and Severus, yet he didn't acknowledge me in any way. I didn't expect him to. It still hurt though. 

He still had dark circles under his eyes. He seemed on edge. I knew he felt me watching him by the way he tapped his quill and shifted in his chair every so often. He appeared relaxed in his chair, but rolled his shoulders more frequently than the normal person would. On the rare event that he would look up from his homework, he would look everywhere but my direction. He seemed to have an intense fascination with the Hogwarts banner hanging above the library entrance.

"Regulus is hot," Anna's voice tugged me from my gaze. I didn't have to look at her to know she had a smirk plastered to her face. 

Sure enough, when I turned my attention back to her she was smiling smugly, looking between me and the dark-haired boy sitting a few tables away. 

"Sure," I smirked.

"He's not just hot either, he's got that whole 'mysterious' thing going for him and he's rich," she smirked, "I might just have to go after him." 

I knew what she was doing- trying to get a reaction out of me. 

"Go for it," I shrugged before turning down to my essay. It's not as though I liked him anyway. There was no reason for her to think I did. 

"If he didn't reject everyone, I would," she smirked. "I wonder if he fancies anyone."

"No clue," I said, continuing to write my essay and becoming increasingly annoyed by her words. But why did they bother me, exactly? It had to be because I was irritated at her for bringing him up. 

"You two would look good together," she said. I set my quill down calmly and looked up at her.

"So would you and Liam," I said. She rolled her eyes and dropped the subject.

We continued working on our homework. I couldn't help looking over at Regulus. I think I took our friendship for granted. Without it- I dunno. I guess I missed him. As a friend.

"Tals," Anna said.

"Yeah?" I drew my gaze from Regulus to look at her.

"You sure you're ok?" She frowned.

"I'm fine," I shrugged nonchalantly, taking a sip of my water to avoid meeting her eyes. 

"So you guys didn't shag or anything?" 

I choked on my water. 

"Because you know when I say 'fuck the rich' I don't usually mean it in a literal sense."

"Anna," I said firmly, coughing a few times before swallowing, "We didn't fuck. I hardly know him."

"You keep looking over at him," she grinned suggestively. 

"What? I can't look?" I asked innocently with a smile. 

"He is quite nice to look at," she smirked and glanced over at Regulus's table. I laughed and turned down to my essay for the final time, making sure to not let my gaze wander. 

Assumption // Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now