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A/N: Would it be a HP fic without an Amortentia chapter? Hopefully I made this one so it isn't too cliche. 

Put y'alls seatbelts on....


"Good morning," Professor Slughorn said brightly as Hazel, Liam, Anna and I entered the room for our first class of the day.

"Good morning," we echoed. Hazel and I walked to our desk and sat down. I immediately noticed a small, covered vial of potion sitting on each desk. I picked up the glass bottle and examined the pink liquid inside.

"What is it?" I asked Hazel who took it from my hands and set it back down. I'd never seen such a pretty potion- it was almost too pretty to consume.

"Not something you want to touch," she replied. "I think it's a love potion."

"Ms. Prune, you would be right," Slughorn smiled from his desk. 

I smirked at Hazel, and she shrugged proudly. We waited for the rest of the students to file in. Both Ace and Regulus looked fresh showered after their morning quidditch practice, yet Regulus's cheeks were still quite red from his workout.

I had to force myself to keep from staring.

"As one of your classmates has already identified," Slughorn began once everyone had taken their seats, "The potion on your desks is Amortentia- or, Ms. Prune?" He looked at Hazel.

"A love potion," she piped. 

"Precisely," Slughorn said, "However, Amortentia is not just a love potion. It is the love potion. The most powerful one out there."

I glanced around to see some of the Ravenclaw girls in the corner of the room sit up straighter. Even Hazel looked slightly more alert.

"Today, we are going to discuss the properties of the potion, and if time allows for it, we will concoct it as well. For now, I implore all of you to uncap your vial and take a waft. Jot down what you smell."

The classroom erupted in a buzz of excitement as people began uncapping their potions.

"You want to go first?" I asked Hazel.

"No you, I insist," she smirked. I rolled my eyes but took the lid off of the vial. 

I leaned forward and took a whiff of the potion. 


In one abrupt motion, I nearly slammed my back into the chair in order to get away from the bubbling potion. 

"Woah," Liam laughed from his desk, remarking my alarmed movement, "What are you attracted to Dumbledore or something?" 

"No," I forced a laugh. "It just smells strong that's all."


Because there was no way that I could tell them what I smelled- expensive cologne, ocean spray, and old books.

I swallowed. 

"So," Hazel asked with raised brows, "What do you smell then?" I felt Anna and Liam watching too. 

"I'm not really sure," I lied. "It was really overpowering- I can't actually tell what it is. Your turn," I nodded to her. She looked at me curiously but leaned forward to smell the Amortentia. "What do you smell?"

"Erm, firewood, leather, brown sugar? I think?" 


We both looked over at Anna and Liam who were taking turns smelling their potion. Both of them were making jokes, yet they shared the same light blush on their faces. 

Assumption // Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now