Chapter 33

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Fionas POV:

Ditching the cigarettes was a lot harder than I had ever thought, I really hadn't realized how much I depended on them, but every time I got weak Lando noticed and did his best to distract me. He was amazing at thinking of something to do on the spot and if he couldn't think of something he just offered to do that thing that made me relief stress the best way just like we first did in Hungary.

I started teaching him Italian and to my surprise he was really motivated to keep going and learn so we bought a book and he was studying each minute we weren't talking. 

We woke up early on Wednesday. I'd have to go take a test at 8.30 and before that Lando and I had to finish packing our stuff since we didn't do it the day before. 

Lando would pick me up directly from my test and we'd head straight to the Airport.

To my surprise and excitement, Charlotte would be at the GP too. It wasn't too long ago she visited me in Milan, but I was always happy to see her. I definitely would have to thank her for telling Lando to come to Milan before our relationship went to shits.

I was also very excited to see George again. He actually texted me a few weeks ago if the "drama" with the girl from Monza had been resolved. We kept exchanging a few text then and there. He was actually really nice, like I could imagine us become great friends. I hadn't heard from him in a while, but if I remember correctly I saw some headline from a gossip magazine saying he and his girlfriend broke up. I'd have to ask him about that, they seemed so perfect I couldn't imagine why they would break up.

An extremely long flight was awaiting Lando and I. 19 hours in the plane and almost two at a layover. We made the best of it. We watched the movie we meant to watch the night before and a few others, slept on each others shoulders and I could actually convinced him to listen to my Italian playlist - I told him it would help him with his pronunciation.

When he wasn't sleeping, Lando made some jokes about joining the mile-high club which I politely declined - not on a commercial flight at least.

We arrived, completely dead, at three in the afternoon in Melbourne on Thursday. Gladly there was no media work for Lando due to some schedule changes so we headed straight to the hotel to take a shower, since we felt so gross from spending almost 24 hours in a plane or an airport.

After we had both showered -  fortunately we weren't tired because we had slept so much on the plane - we were fully energized to head to the paddocks. It was very important to Lando to show up there, say hello to everyone and even help here and there, even when he didn't have to be there. He never wanted to be perceived as ungrateful towards his team so he made sure to show them his appreciation.

When we walked out of the McLaren hospitality I spotted George. We went over to say hello, of course.

"Good to see you two together again." George said and winked at me. "I didn't know you were coming this weekend, Fiona"

"It was pretty spontaneous." I explained.

Lando knew me and George got along really well so when his manager waved at him to come over, he left me to talk to George for a while.

"So, how are doing?" I asked with a nosy undertone hinting at the rumors about the breakup. 

"I take it you've heard about the break up?"

I nodded. 

"Well technically it's not a breakup, we're on some sort of break. She proposed it. I guess we'll just see. She said, me being away all the time restricted her in some way. Wouldn't it give her more freedom?" He didn't seem sad or upset more like he hadn't even processed it yet. "Anyways, I'm really glad you and Lando got everything cleared up. He was really a pain in the ass when you guys didn't see each other for so long. He was completely out of his element, but as far as I can tell you guys both are doing really good again now"

"Yes we are. I couldn't be happier. Everything's perfect currently. Can you imagine I got him to learn Italian, he has a book and everything. He's actually a fast learner." I told.

"Finally he's broadening his horizon. I think you're really good for him. Keeping him grounded, since he has been getting a lot of praise this season AND educating him. Good job, Fiona"

George and I laughed and kept talking until Lando returned from his talk with his manager.

"You guys better not be laughing at me" he said as he came back.

"No never, I was actually just inviting George to have dinner with us this evening." 

"Sounds like fun" Lando approved. 

We agreed to meet at 8 in front of Georges hotel and walk to the restaurant by foot, which I had already picked out.

Lando and I headed back to our hotel room to get ready for dinner. I decided on a pair of loose navy suit pants a white t-shirt under and a navy crewneck knit over that, paired with my favorite white sneakers and Lando matched me, wearing navy chino pants, a dress shirt and a pair of brown leather loafers I urged him to buy back in Milan. He was looking so handsome I was staring at him taking it in. 

The evening with George was even more fun than expected. We had heated discussions over the most irrelevant topics over dinner - like pouring cereal or milk first - where everyone of us was trying to convince the others their view was right. By the end we were laughing so hard none of us could bring out a word.

After dinner we played cards, where the senseless discussions continued. I hadn't laughed so much over the span of a few hours in a really long time, my whole face was hurting from laughing but we just couldn't stop.

At one point, where I first realized my face was hurting from laughing, I had this moment of realization where I was overly aware of the fact how happy I was and I knew that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.



guys, I added a song for the first time, it's supposed to be one from Fionas Italian playlist.

pls tell me if you liked it and if yes I will continue to add songs :)

also wanted to say thank you to everyone who comes back everyday to read the next chapter, I hope you enjoy!!

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