Chapter 10

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We arrived at home ten minutes past 5 and I immediately got to unpacking to get ready for Margo to come over.

Punctual as always, she stood in front of my house at 6 exactly. It had only been four days but I missed that girl. We gave each other a massive hug and got inside. Margo spent so much time at my house she was already a part of our family. My mom had already set the table for all of us including her, because she knew I would want to see Margo as soon as I came home.

After dinner Margo and I took the bottle of wine she brought with her upstairs and sat down on the upstairs balcony. There were only two folding chairs and nothing else on that balcony but it's where we always sat. Margo got out a pack of cigarets from her bag, opened the pack with one hand and got out a cigaret with her mouth before handing the pack to me. She lit her cigaret while I got one out as well and waited for her to finish using the lighter. I only smoked occasionally, and this was an occasion.

The warm unhealthy smoke filled my lungs. With my legs crossed I leaned back into my chair and looked up into the sky. The sun was setting and the sky was covered with an orangy-pink veil. A overwhelming feeling of contentedness came over me. Everything just seemed great  - besides the few worries i currently had, but I really didn't want to think about any of those right now. 

"So tell me everything!" Margo stared at me like she couldn't await what I was about to tell her.

"The racing was crazy! I wasn't even driving the cars and it still gave me so much adrenaline. And guess who won on Sunday..."

Margo wasn't really into racing : "That sounds amazing but I don't want to know who won, I wanna know about you and Lando!"

"Just wait you impatient child. Lando won the race. And thats when he kissed me. He was jsut coming back from the podium celebrations and I was on my way to the toilet when we ran into each other in one of the hallways." Margo just stared at me with her eyes wide open, listening to me like I was holding a TedTalk. "He was like so happy and excited for his win that he just ran up to me, grabbed my head and kissed me right then and there."

"This sounds like straight out of a movie, Fiona! The famous Formula One driver and the girl with the VIP-passes. I don't know if i can believe you if you don't have proof. Are you sure hes the real one and not just an imitator." she mocked me. She was just jealous. Margo and her boyfriend had been together for almost two years now. They met at school and you could say they formed an alliance. I'm not saying the aren't happy or they don't love each other, but they don't enrich each others lives either. I never understood this kind of relationship. If I were to spend a significant amount of time with another person, I wanted them to drive me to do better and encourage me to do big things, and until that was the case I preferred to have all of my time to myself. 

 When it got dark we got blankets to keep us warm. Margo and I spent at least 4 hours sitting on this balcony just talking and looking at the stars. I told her all about Sunday night where Lando and I talked for hours and fell asleep on the couch, how he carried me to bed when he had to leave and about the note he had left. I had kept the note, it was now inside of my green see-through phone case. 

Since I knew I wasn't going to figure out on my own how i was going to see him again I asked Margo for advice. 

"Well for one, isn't there a race in Monza? And aren't you going to Milan to study soon?" she carefully opened up the topic because she knew I hadn't made my decision yet,  and had a hard time doing so. 

"It's July now and the race is in September... and you know I still am not sure if I'm really going. It's just so scary and I don't know if I can go there all alone. On top of that I know I can sew, but am I ready to go to fashion school?" I immediately got visibly upset and started to feel anxious. Making this decision was really hard for me and as much as I tried I couldn't find a way to make it easier. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely grateful that I have the opportunity to choose and be able to pursue a university in a different country, but sometimes I really wished I only had one option, because making this decision put so much stress on my and I felt tears coming into my eyes every time I thought about it, because I really wanted to do it and go my own way and not stay in my safe zone, but I just didn't know if I was ready.

When Margo wanted to see a picture of Lando, because she just fairly knew what he looked like, I had to google him since I didn't have my own picture and I remembered I still hadn't answered his question when we were going to see each other again because I thought maybe I would be able to think of something. I hadn't come up with anything yet but I didn't want to keep him waiting and I actually really wanted to talk to him for a bit even if it was just over text so I came up with a witty answer.

Fiona: I'd love be at the Redbull Ring again next year but I think seeing you before that wouldn't be so bad. 

Margo and I brushed our teeth and decided it was time to go to bed. She fell asleep right away but I still wanted to wait a few minutes if Lando would answer me even though it was already midnight and I was tired because I didn't get much sleep last night. I told myself if he didn't answer by 12:15 I would put my phone away and go to sleep.

At 12:14 a message reached my phone.

Lando: Well i guess then we'll have to find a way to make that happen...

Fiona: What do you have in mind, Norris?

Lando: I've got a few ideas. Say the word and I will find a way.

Fiona: Sounds promising. Saying no would be a shame. 

After sending the last text my eyes closed automatically and I fell asleep with my phone still in my hand. 

who would have thought [lando norris]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن