Chapter 9

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Landos POV

After just two hours of sleep my alarm went off. I quickly turned it down so Fiona wouldn't wake up but she was sleeping like a rock anyways. It was five in the morning now and I still had to drive back to my hotel, pack all my stuff and be at the airport no later than 7.

I carefully go up from the couch and out of Fionas arms. I couldn't let her stay on the couch. As nice as it was sleeping arm in arm there with her I could already feel my back hurting so i wanted to give her at least the last few hours of her sleep in bed so I carefully picked her up and carried her into bedroom where I layed her down and put the blanket over her. She looked so peaceful. Her whole appearance was so effortlessly gorgeous.

 An overwhelming feeling of sadness came over me. I had known her for no more then 48 hours and I already hated that I had to leave again. There wasn't even a date to look forward to where I would see her again. Even though I wanted to say a proper goodbye, waking her up wasn't an option so I decided to leave her a note.

I didn't want to wake you, but my flight is leaving at 8. I had a wonderful time, Fiona. I hope we can have a wonderful time again soon :) 

Under this I wrote my number, because up until now we had been communicating through Instagram and that just didn't seem appropriate to me. She was worth more than that. She was worth writing handwritten letters to but at this moment the note and my phone number had to do.

I couldn't leave without taking a last look at her, who knew when i would see her again. As creepy as I felt doing it I took a picture of her peacefully sleeping, wrapped into the blanket so only her head peaked through for the necessary oxygen intake. I stood there looking at her when I remembered I was in hurry. I leaned over her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head before heading out the door.

Fionas POV

I woke up in my bed, alone. How did i get here from the couch and when did I even fall asleep? Most importantly, when did Lando leave. I stayed in bed and found my phone next to me on my nightstand. I picked it up and checked my messages. One from my dad and one from Margo:

Dad: We're driving home at eleven today. I'm already at breakfast, I wanted to let you get enough sleep, the last few days were exhausting.

Margo: When are you back in the city ??? I can't wait to hear all about Lando!

No text from Lando. I knew his flight was going sometime this morning I just kinda thought we would have the chance to say goodbye and now he  just left without notice?

I made my way into the bathroom and had a shower before putting on some loose fitting Levi's from the charity shop and a white t-shirt which had the words "society killed the teenager" written on its back. I put on sneakers and got out the door to get breakfast with my eyes still not fully open. I purposely left my phone in my room because I knew I wouldn't stop staring at it waiting for a text from Lando instead of enjoying breakfast.

I may had left my phone in my room, but my thoughts still kept me focused on last night. I couldn't wrap my head around why he wouldn't at least shoot me a text, he obviously carried me to bed and tucked me in - because I wasn't the sleepwalking kind - so he must at least care a little bit. 

I returned to my room at approximately 10:30. 30 minutes to pack and get ready to leave. I quickly brushed my teeth and threw all of my stuff into my suitcase. I was about to go out the door when I had a last look around the room to check if i had everything with me when I noticed this piece of paper on the counter. 

I didn't want to wake you, but my flight is leaving at 8. I had a wonderful time, Fiona. I hope we can have a wonderful time again soon :) 

A note from Lando. Thats why he didn't text me. A smile came over my face. I put the note into my pocket and left at exactly 10:58 to get my dad from his room which luckily wasn't far from mine. 

In the car, already on the highway, I took out the note and my phone and put the number he wrote on the piece of paper into my contact list. Of course I had to text him immediately.

Fiona: Already landed? Thanks for carrying me into bed ;)

Fiona: this is Fiona btw

My dumbass forgot he didn't have my number so I had to double text him. As I was already texting people, I remembered that I hadn't texted Margo back. 

Fiona: I'm in the car right now. We arrive at 5. Wanna sleep at my place?

She answered just seconds later.

Margo: of course I wanna have a sleepover! be there at 6

I put my phone down and just looked out the window, even the view from the highway was pretty in Austria. You could see mountains and lakes, did I really want to leave this behind and go to university far away from my family and the beloved fatherland. Right as I was about to get into my thoughts and start contemplating my life decisions another text reached my phone and it vibrated in my pocket. 

Lando: Just landed! The pleasure was all mine carrying you to bed, I was just focusing on not hitting your extremities on anything. 

His text made my smile, but my mind instantly wandered to the question: What do we do know? I mean how is the procedure for two almost strangers who met two days ago, went on two "dates" and had no prospect of seeing each other again - at least for an unknown amount of time. Were we just going to text from now on? 

Apparently Lando was wondering the same thing because he sent another text saying: 

Lando: So will you be at the Redbull Ring again next year or can I see you before that?

I guess he didn't know either how we were going to go on from here, but I was happy he opened the conversation about it. Now we just had to figure out something. Flying somewhere to see each other felt like more of a thing to do when you were in a relationship. If only we would be at the same place at the same time somehow...

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