Chapter 24

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On the 24th of August, my mom and I flew out to Milan. We had a hotel booked for 6 days and in total we would be looking at 12 apartments over the course of our stay so it was going to be busy. Gladly we had the day of our arrival free so we could explore the city first.

Bizarre to think about but I had actually never been to Milan. Yes I did in fact commit to a University in a city I had never been to, but I had been to different parts of Italy several times and I loved Italy.

Each apartment was better than the last one, only a few weren't exactly in the preferred areas. I always took pictures to send to Lando, I always wanted to hear his opinion too

After six days of looking at two to three apartments a day, my mom and I had four favorites. We put out inquiries for each of the apartments and flew back home, hoping to hear from them soon.

Before I got on the plane I texted Lando to ask how his race went, and tell him how sad I was that I couldn't be there with him. He finished P4, so pretty decent.

Back home I called Lando and we talked for a few hours, he told me all about race weekend, about the weird questions he got asked in the interviews, about the pranks he and Daniel played on each other and about how he wished he had gotten another podium. I told him about the apartments, the beautiful city of Milan and how excited I was to spend a week there with him between the Dutch and the Italian GP.

I couldn't wait for Thursday when I would fly out to the Netherlands.

My flight was late in the afternoon, and I was almost late to it because I had spent the whole day with Margo and we slightly lost track of time. I arrived at the Rotterdam The Hague Airport at 7 in the evening and took a taxi to Landos hotel. This time we were sharing a room. Around 7.30 I arrived at the hotel and texted Lando to get me from the lobby.

We brought my suitcase to our room and I freshened up and changed my clothes, since I was feeling gross from the flight. I washed my face, went to the toilet and changed into a black mini dress and put on a pair of black boots.

Lando, who was ready long before me, was sat on the couch waiting for me. I put out my hand for him to grab it and pulled him up from the couch, hinting I was ready to leave for dinner.

We had dinner in the hotel restaurant and afterwards went to the hotel bar. I ordered a gin tonic after another and after my fourth Lando had pick me up, throw me over his shoulder and carry me back to our room. He put me down on the couch and told me to behave while he went to the toilet.

I wasn't about to obey his order so I made my way to the minibar and took out a small bottle of vodka. I didn't have a reason to get this drunk, there currently weren't any worries I would have wanted to drown in alcohol but once I was drunk I was kind of out of control.

I got back my ability to walk and made my way onto the balcony with a cigarette and a lighter in one hand and the bottle of vodka in the other. Lando came outside and found me leaning on - or more holding onto - the railing, alternating between taking a sip from the bottle and a puff from the cigarette.

"Any particular reason why the alcohol was so appealing to you today?" Lando asked. His voice sounded a bit worried. I had told him that I had used alcohol in the past to drown my sorrows, so it was possible I was doing so again.

"I'm just happy" I said, "no other reason"



He sat down on the chair on the balcony and watched me for a while. After I had finished the small bottle of vodka I lit another cigarette and let myself fall into his lap. I was sitting on top of him, barely able to control any of my muscles besides the ones I needed to move the cigarette towards my mouth. He noticed that so he held me so I wouldn't fall.

The nicotine from the cigarettes made me even more dizzy and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. I quickly got up and attempted to run to the toilet. I arrived there just in time. I was barely hanging onto the toilet throwing up several times when Lando came running after me.

"Fiona, are you alright"

I was in no state to answer. He kneeled down gathered my hair and wrapped the hairband he had took from my wrist around it. He flushed the toilet and got up to take a towel, make it wet and clean off my face with it. I threw up a few times after that and while I was bent over the toilet bowl tears started streaming down my cheeks. Maybe I was drowning some worries in alcohol? Inside my head was an emotional chaos.

He was sitting next to me on the floor and as there was nothing left inside me to throw up, I sank to the floor, laying there exhausted with my head rested on his leg, barely conscious, half asleep.

Lando carefully took off the clothes that had gotten vomit on them, picked me up and sat me into the shower. He washed me with warm water, while my head repeatedly fell to my chest because I couldn't hold it myself.

He wrapped me in a towel to dry me and put me into one of his hoodies. I tried opening my eyes a few times but I only saw black, the only thing I remember was the sweet but sexy smell of his hoodie.

He carried me to bed and tucked me under the blanket. I slowly gained back a tiny amount of consciousness and watched him get undressed and put on a pair of plaid pyjama pants.

He got into bed next to me and put his arm around me and carefully caressed my head and hair. I moved in closer, wrapping my arms around his upper body and resting my head on his chest.

"Do you want to tell me the reason you got so drunk now?"

If I was honest, I still had to figure that out myself, I only knew I was drawn to the feeling alcohol gave me today. Not the awful feeling of throwing up, but the feeling before that, the ecstatic high with no care in the world and the liberating feeling.

I was so tired, the only words I could bring over my lips before falling asleep were mumbled "why did you let me drink so much?" I let out a big breath and fell asleep

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