Chapter 15

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The next morning was chaotic. Margo and I woke up late, and besides having to get ready and have breakfast in less than half an hour, she also forced me to tell her every detail about yesterday evening. 

We left the hotel on time and both had a cigarette on our walk to the McLaren hospitality. It was Friday so today was FP1 and FP2 which meant Landos schedule was the least packed from each of the three race days.

As we stood in front of the hospitality having just finished smoking Lando walked up to us. He was already in his race attire with his race suit halfway on, hanging from his hip. I thought he couldn't look more handsome than he looked yesterday in his washed out blue jeans and that dark blue jumper he was wearing but this race suit brought it on another level. He just looked so professional and like he belonged there. 

I aspire to look so perfectly situated, I hadn't found the place I was supposed to be at yet. I never felt like I completely belonged somewhere. 

He came up to us and gave us both a hug. When he hugged me I could tell he wasn't sure if to hug me or do something else. Margo also noticed the slight confusion and gave me a comforting look, because she knew I was about to overthink the way he greeted me.

While hugging me he must have smelled the cigarette smoke on me because before anything he teasingly said: "Whats the occasion?"

"Margo has a bad influence on me" we both laughed and Margo looked at me offended. 

"I'm also your only influence" she retorted. She wasn't wrong.

"Come on I have some time to give you an exclusive tour of the garage" Lando cut us off. He put his hand on my back and lead me through the entrance. His hand was warm and it felt comforting. Did he notice me getting anxious?  I, myself didn't know what I was anxious about but wether he noticed or not he did make me feel more comfortable.

He moved his hand from my back to my hand and squeezed it twice before letting go and getting in front of Margo and I to show us the way. Him squeezing my hand was like him reassuring me he had wanted to greet me differently. 

He showed us around the garage and explained a lot of things. Margo seems surprisingly interested, I couldn't tell if she was pretending or actually started to get into it. I was trying to pay attention to what he said, because there was a lot to discover and it was all very impressive to see but I couldn't focus. It might have looked like I was paying close attention because my gaze was fixed on Lando, but I didn't comprehend a word he said. He was explaining everything so passionately, I could only adore his dedication and love for this sport.

"I have to get ready for practice now but I'll try to catch you at lunch or after" he said ripping me out of my thoughts.

"We'll keep our fingers crossed for you" Margo said since my brain hadn't caught up with what was happening. 

Before finding a place to watch practice from, Margo and I went to the toilets where she told me I had to stop staring at Lando as if he was a painting in a museum. 

"Was I? I got caught up in my thoughts" I responded.

"Your not caught up in your thoughts. You're falling for him. And I know this is a delicate topic and you haven't known each other for long, but I think he's nice just don't ignore the red flags if some come up like you did the last time. I just don't want you to get hurt again. You know I'm leaving today so I just wanted to tell you before I forget."

Margot was right. I should still be careful. "I will be more observant this time, but I genuinely feel like this could turn into something great. I hope. He's different from the other. At least so far. I will be careful, trust me"

We had lunch and then went outside to enjoy the sun before FP2, I was trying to get even more freckles than I already had which was always a challenge because I also burned easily but I couldn't never have enough freckles although my nose and cheeks were already covered to  the most possible extent. 

Lando joined us for a few minutes before he had to get ready again. We talked about FP1 and wished him luck for the next round of practice. This time he gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving and whispered into my ear: "Did you forget to wear sunscreen or are you blushing?". "Possibly both" I smiled at him. 

No one was around to see his public display of affection but it still felt exciting to possibly expose ourselves like that. As far as I knew, Margo was the only one who knew anything about whatever this was between us and I kind of hoped it would stay that way for a little while.

"Love the freckles!" he said before turning around going back to the garage. Now I was blushing for sure.

Right after FP2 ended Margo had to leave me to go back to the hotel to pack her stuff, because he train was leaving in two hours. I knew she would have to leave today but I repressed the thought of it the whole day since it felt like she was just starting to change her mind on F1 being boring and I was sad she couldn't be there for the race. 

She left and I was sitting in front of the hospitality once again enjoying the sun, this time alone. Lando had texted me he still had to go over some stuff with his race engineer. I told him I would wait on him to be finished because the afternoon sun felt amazing on my skin and watching all the people walk by was far more interesting than anything I could do in my hotel room. 

After sitting in the sun for a while I decided to go exploring a bit. I walked around the different hospitality areas and saw a few drivers and other famous people. I did't get star stuck, i felt pretty casual about it which surprised me to be honest.

As Charles Leclerc waked past me I got a call. It was Lando. 

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