Chapter 28

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Lando got P4 once again. The race went through without any complications. Charles got P2, so Charlotte and I celebrated together. Before heading to the podium celebrations.

After interviews most of the drivers celebrated together at a bar, I spent most of the time there talking to George, Daniel or Charlotte. I didn't spend much time with Lando, mostly because he was pretty busy getting drunk but I was also not making much effort to get him for myself. It was not that I was totally mad at him but I didn't quite believe him either so I'd rather spend the last few hours before my flight talking to George, who I had become great friends with in this short time - we actually had a lot in common - or talking to Charlotte, who wanted to introduce me to the life of and F1 girlfriend - although I totally didn't see myself as such.

I wanted to be my own person, not defined by something my boyfriend was. 

I had only briefly pulled Lando, who was already extremely drunk, away from the crowd to give him a quick kiss and say I head to leave to the airport. He barely realized what I was saying but it didn't matter.

We hadn't made any plans to see each other again, with me moving to Milan next week and starting Uni and him having race weekends back to back is was unsure because we were so busy.

So without knowing when Lando and I would be together again, I stepped onto the plane back home. 

The following week was outrageously busy. Between packing all of my belongings into boxes and planning the car ride to Milan, Lando had texted me a few times. He must have gotten the hint we weren't exactly on good terms so he had started sending me texts apologizing. If this really had been a misunderstanding then what was he apologizing from. I only answered a few times. I didn't want to think about it right now, I had my own stuff to handle

Lando was still my boyfriend but he wasn't the thing my life revolved around.

As I got done packing the car with my dad, one day before we were about to leave my phone started buzzing. Someone had texted me. It was Charles. We had exchanged numbers in Monza.

Charles: Hey Fiona, this is Charles! Charlotte told me about this girl and Lando and I think you might want to know this: she was at a few races with Ferrari, and I saw Lando and her together a few times, they definitely had something going on. After the Austrian Grand Prix she left the Ferrari team tho. I hadn't seen her until this weekend in Monza either. I did't think anything about it back then. I can't tell you tho why she hit him or why she seems to be mad at him. If you want I can ask her if I see her at the Factory.

Interesting. So Charles was sure Lando knew who she was and not only that, we was sure they had something going on? Why was he lying to me. Lying only made it worse.

Fiona: Thank you Charles! You don't need to ask her I just want Lando to tell me the truth.

It was late already and I would have to get up early tomorrow to start our journey to Milan. I turned off my phone completely, I didn't want to hear another word from anyone today. I felt confused and hurt. Why did Lando lie to me and what was he trying to keep from me? I fell asleep quickly so I wouldn't have to rack my brain about it anymore.

I tried not to make it obvious on the car ride that something was bothering me, but Margo who was in the car with me, my brothers and my sister noticed of course.

When we went for a toilet break at a gas station, she pulled me aside and asked me, "whats wrong? everyone's in a good mood, were in Milan soon. Whats bothering you today of all days."

I told her the whole story about Lando and the girl, and while I was doing so I started tearing up. It obviously bothered me more than I would have wanted to admit.

"What and arsehole! But Fiona if you don't confront him and keep ignoring him the situation wont change you know that"

"I know but I'm just too angry at him right now, I don't want to speak to him"

"Promise me you will call him. Not right now or tonight but maybe when we all have left Milan and you have peace in your apartment. And remember you can always call me"

We went back to the car and I tried completely repressing any thoughts about it.

Each time I entered the apartment, joy filled my hear like the first time I had seen it. Yesterday Margo and my family had left and I was now officially alone. Alone in my own first apartment. It was almost finished, just a few decorations had to be added.

As I sat there on my green couch, taking everything in, I decided now was the right moment to call Lando. He had a race over the weekend so we hadn't been in much contact. As far as he knew I had gotten over the incident with the girl.

"Hello?" he picked up.

"Lando, it's Fiona, You got some time?"

"Yeah what are you calling about. I've missed hearing you voice, the race weekend was awful without you" he really had no clue.

"That girl... from Monza...Charles said he knew her and he said you two had something going on before Austria, and I know we didn't even know each other back then, but then why is she hitting you and why did you say you didn't know her. Why did you lie to me?"

"Fiona..." he stuttered.

"Lando I'm giving you one last chance to tell me the truth."

"She and I were kind of dating. Nothing official but we went on a few dates. All before I knew you of course. On the day I took you for a drive in the Mclaren in Austria, she and I were supposed to go on another date. She was mad I canceled on her but I'm really bad at confrontation so we never talked it out and then she wasn't in the paddocks anymore so I thought it was sorted. I guess when she saw me in Monza, she got mad at me and wanted to pay me back for what I did to her."

"But why did you lie to me about this, this isn't that bad I thought you cheated."

"I lied because I thought if I told you that I blew her off so easily for another girl, you would think i would do the same to you. But believe me I could never. I love you, Fiona. I blew her off because on that first day I met you I knew I would have to do everything to be with you."

"Lando, I love you too but you should have just told me the truth right from the beginning."

"Please forgive me, I love you"

"How could I not"

We switched to facetime and I showed him around the apartment.

That night I was finally able to sleep in peace again. Sadly Lando and I still hadn't managed to figure out when we would see each other again. As it was looking right now, we wouldn't see each other for the next month or even the next few. I wanted to fully concentrate on uni for a while, because not only was attending these courses in Italian, but I was in a totally new city and wanted to make friends, improve my Italian, be up to date on all my studies and still enjoy it. So because of that I couldn't just leave every weekend to go to a Grand Prix and it would be hard for Lando to visit me for such short periods of time which he had between races.

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