Chapter 27

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Fionas POV

Monza was better and more exciting as I would ever have dared to imagine. Something was in the air. No only had the racing part of the weekend been amazing so far but everyone was in the best mood.

All of the drivers were in the same hotel and each night Lando and I met up with a few of them, mostly the ones in their twenties like George or Charles - Daniel of course was with us every evening too. I got to meet Charles' girlfriend, Charlotte - she was just the sweetest. We talked the whole night and eventually convinced her to get her first tattoo just like Lando.

When Lando showed his tattoos, everyone was very supportive and he was showing them around like a proud dad showing off a video of his child's first steps. I was glad I convinced him.

Tomorrow was race day so this time we didn't stay out for to long but we had dinner with Charles and Charlotte and after that the four of us played a few rounds of cards with Daniel and Carlos.

After the incident last weekend I was going really slow on the alcohol, in fact I hadn't had a sip of it since we arrived in Monza. I didn't wanna make a fool of myself again and I realized I was having just as much fun without it.

Race day came and once again everywhere was joy. I couldn't tell where it came from but everyone was having the best time and nothing but smiles were seen on everyones faces.

Lando, Daniel and I had breakfast together in the Mclaren hospitality and afterwards I joined them in the garage to watch them get ready and prepared, analyzing data and debating strategy. I was extremely interesting to watch although I definitely didn't understand everything they said.

Lando and I ate Lunch together in the sun and reminisced on our time in Milan.

"I can't wait to visit you in your apartment when you're all settled in. I'm sorry though I can't really help you move in, because of the races."

"It's fine, I think my whole family will spend a week in Milan anyways helping me move in. You know I was thinking maybe when I'm really settled I should get a dog so I will be less alone and it can also be like a watch dog."

"Great idea. As long as he doesn't bite me."

Our whole conversation wasn't serious but we were mostly joking around, because Lando would have to focus on racing soon so I didn't want to talk about anything serious that would occupy his thoughts and distract him.

After finishing Lunch we walked around the paddock, to enjoy the mild September sun. Soon enough it would be fall again and my freckles would start to fade, which I wasn't at all locking forward to.

As we walked around, hand in hand, Lando suddenly started walking a bit faster in the direction of the McLaren hospitality, slightly pulling me. I was confused at first but soon enough it was clear who he was trying to avoid.

A young woman, around my age and height, with brown hair, wearing a Ferrari shirt, was walking up to us, getting faster and faster, to catch us before we were going to enter the hospitality. I tried stopping Lando, because I though maybe she wanted to talk to him, maybe it was something important.

As she came close to us she said, "Stronzo!" - which was Italian for You Asshole! - with the angriest voice, raised her hand and smacked it across Landos face and stomped away towards the Ferrari hospitality.

I stood there like I was nailed down while Lando was sheepishly rubbing his cheek. What the fuck had just happened? I asked myself. I was speechless for a second as George, who had witnessed the whole thing, walked up to us.

"Who was that?" I asked. I tried not the be angry because maybe this was a misunderstanding but why was he trying to avoid her and get away from her in the first place then.

Lando didn't say anything so George asked again, "Lando, who was that?"

"And why was she calling you an asshole" I added.

"I really have no clue. I don't know" he stuttered.

I really wanted to believe him, but he made it hard to seem believeable.

"Are you sure. She seemed to know exactly who you were and what she was doing" I asked again.

Lando was short with his answers, still rubbing his cheek - it must have hurt a lot, but I didn't want to take away any pain before I knew for sure he didn't deserve it.

"I swear I don't know" he said.

George and I shared a look, not sure if we could believe him, but we eventually went inside to find something to cool his cheek with.

George patted my shoulder, to show he was on my side if anything happened - we had bonded a lot over the last few evenings - before he had to leave, since it was time for all of the drivers to get ready.

Lando had to get ready too. It was obvious I wasn't convinced he didn't know her so before he left to the garage he once again tried telling me, " Fiona pls believe me, I don't know why this just happened"

I gave him a kiss and just wished him luck for the race, I still didn't feel good about the situation but the race was more important now.

After I had watched the race start from the paddock club above the garage, I texted Charlotte to meet me so we could watch the race together. I wanted to ask her if she knew the girl. Maybe she was part of the Ferrari team, hence the shirt.

I described her to Charlotte and as I finished she said, "Yeah I know her, her name is Siena. She is a temporary part of the Ferrari team. She was with us for a few races but I think she hasn't been in the paddocks since the race in Austria. This is the first time she's here again. I think she is from around here so I guess it makes sense for her to be here but I have no clue what she has to do with Lando"

"Thanks Charlotte, thats already a lot of information. I don't wanna think about it at least until the end of the race now though. Let's enjoy the race!"

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