Chapter 32

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Landos POV:

I was glad Fiona and I were finally reunited. Yesterday was a hard day for both of us but it ended well. All I wanted was to be there for her. She had lost herself in the last two months I hadn't seen her and it showed.

She looked unhealthy and she didn't exude happiness like before. Preferably I would have taken her into my arms and never let go again. 

The next few days were laid-back. What I understood from Fionas stories, she hadn't had a calm day in a very long time. Always either studying or going out. I understood she wanted to prove to herself she could handle all of this, but in the process she forgot to take a step back once in a while and check in with herself.

While she was at Uni I borrowed one of her books and went to sit in a park near her university to read it. I didn't enjoy reading before but everywhere in her books were little annotations or random thoughts written down which made the whole process a lot more interesting. I wanted to get to know her even better and reading her book seemed like the best way to do that.

I picked her up after courses and we grabbed a bite to eat. 

In the evenings, we cooked together.

She always tried talking to me in Italian. At first I thought she was trying to mock me for not knowing any languages besides English but I quickly realized she was trying to teach me. 

I might not be authorized to judge this, but to me her Italian seemed so good, I could have mistaken her for a local. 

When Vittoria visited us they only talked in Italian and I couldn't keep up at all but it made me finalize my decision to start learning Italian.

We spent a whole afternoon with Vittoria and she even cooked dinner for the three of us. By the end of the day when I was laying in bed with Fiona cuddled up to me, I was actually able to hold a conversation with Fiona in Italian.

I definitely pronounced most of the words wrong, but I was trying my hardest and the proud smile on Fionas face made everything worth it.

On Wednesday Fiona would have a test in the morning and right after that we were leaving for Australia. I hadn't brought anything with me for race weekend so I reached out to my manager and he was kind enough to bring all my stuff there from England. 

We still had two days until Wednesday which we spent similarly to the ones before. When I wasn't with Fiona I was thinking about her and when I was with her all I wanted to do was hear her talk about the things she was interested in. It went so far that I forgot anyone else even existed. 

I was so madly in love with this girl, I hadn't even realized. All I hope is that we never become as distant as we were before this weekend ever again.

We had the rest of the year planned out so we would see each other at least every two weeks but what would happen after that. With Fiona living in Milan am me always somewhere around the world the future still wasn't sure. 

It would be December soon and I still had something very important to ask Fiona, so on Thursday night after Fiona had gone over the notes for her test tomorrow on last time and we made ourselves comfortable on the couch to watch a movie I asked her.

"So there is still something I wanted to ask you."

"Shoot" she said, looking at me curiously.

"We've planned the next few weeks, with you coming to the Australian and Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, but for after..." I made a pause, I got nervous, "I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with me and my family?"

Silence. Fiona had a pondering look on her face. Was it too early to invite her to such a big holiday with my whole family?

"Only if you're comfortable with that. I've already told them a LOT about you tho and they said they can't wait to meet the girl who got me to read a book"

A laugh slipped through her lips "I would love nothing more. My mum will be quite sad, I wont be spending Christmas with them, but she already asked me if you'll join us for a week of skiing over New Years,  so I guess - if you come - that will make up for it"

I kissed her as a way of agreeing. I couldn't be more excited for her to meet my family. I had actually told them about her a while ago and each time I saw them the asked when they would finally meet her.

"But only if you tell me all about them now. I want to know what I'm getting myself into. If they are all as crazy as you, I don't know if I can handle it." she joked.

We didn't even get to start watching the movie as planned. Instead we talked about our families for hours. Fortunately we were both blessed with an amazing supportive family and grew up without any troubles, so the topic was a pretty light one . That was until the concept of a family of our own came up. 

We weren't talking about it in any serious matter, since we agreed we were both way too young, but to my relief we had pretty much the same expectations and ideas. 

We tired not taking it too far but ended up falling asleep while imagining the future in a small cottage outside of London with at least three kids - since we both came from pretty big families - and a big garden or a Villa in Tuscany, surrounded by olive trees and of course, a dog, which Fiona was insisting on and I was totally fine with.

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