Chapter 8

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When he pulled away my heart was beating so fast and I was out of breath from the amazing kiss we just shared.

"My flight is tomorrow morning" he said between breaths "I have to do some interviews now and there is a big dinner with the whole McLaren team to celebrate the amazing outcome."

"So we wont see each other?" I asked in a sad tone.

"Unless..." Lando started but didn't continue his sentence. 

"Unless what?"

"Unless I convince them I'm terribly tired and leave the dinner before dessert and then we can..."

"You can come to my hotel room!" I interrupted him. Was I seriously already inviting him into my hotel room? We were moving fast I thought to myself. But i wanted to use this chance to get to now him better and figure out if we even really connected. I had made bad experiences in the past where i had let people close to me to early and they disappointed me. It was also a habit of mine to make up scenarios and design how I wanted to other person to be in my head and when they weren't exactly that, I got disappointed too. Obviously that was totally my own fault so I decided to try very hard and not let myself have any expectation on how i wanted Lando to be and just see how the evening went. 

We agreed that he would text me when we was on his way from the dinner and i gave him my room number, since he already knew which hotel i was in. Before our ways split again and I was finally able to go to the toilet which was initially why i had been here, he brushed my hair out of my face and gave me another kiss on the lips. This time short and sweet. As he walked away he turned around once more, smiled at me and said "See you later Fiona!". I was very glad I got lost in the hallways. 

After my trip to the bathroom I returned to my dad and we once again stayed at the hospitality for a bit longer talking to that nice French couple about the nerve wrecking race. On our way back to the hotel I updated Margo in a text: Girl you wont believe it! Lando kissed me! We are spending some time together this evening, I will tell you all about it when I come back tomorrow!" 

She immediately answered: "Say you're kidding right now! I can't believe it! This is big Fiona. He's famous! You've only known him for two days woman! I thought after last time you said you wanted to be more careful of who you let into your life. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for you but just keep that in mind!" 

"I will! It's because we are both leaving tomorrow - thats why it is so fast. I promise you nothing is going to happen today."

After dinner with my dad I went into my hotel room and turned on the TV waiting for Lando to text me. I was debating if i should change into something more comfortable but I liked my outfit and my mind was telling me I had to impress Lando. Total bullshit if he wouldn't like me in comfortable clothes then he didn't deserve me at all. I still didn't change tho. 

I almost fell asleep when I got a text from Lando at 10:13pm saying he was on his way. I instantly got up and went into the bathroom splashed a bit of water into my face to make myself more awake again and then freshened up my makeup and put on another puff of my favorite perfume. 

As I was leaving my bathroom to tidy up my bedroom a bit I heard a knock on my door before I could even start tidying up. Shortly after opening the door the first thing I heard was this: "I brought champagne to celebrate!"

"Oh so you are trying to get me drunk?" I teased him with a little bit of seriousness in my voice. 

His facial expression instantly changed from excited to worried and he said: "Please know that I would never do such thing!"

"I know you wouldn't. Now give me the bottle" I said to assure him I was just joking and trusted him. When I finally found two glassed I poured the champagne into them and made my way to the couch where he was already sitting. When I gave him his glass and he reached for it our hands touched and it felt like small fireworks went through my body starting from where he touched my hand all the way through my arm reaching to my toes. We looked into each others eyes and said "Cheers!"

"You know you were really amazing out there on the track today" I complimented him after I had my first sip.

"Thank you but getting P1 today was very much luck. I mean luck for me. I don't think Max, Lewis and Valtteri felt so lucky." he said and took a sip of his drink.

"Well you still won and it's your first win. I'm honored to be able to celebrate it with the man himself!" I could tell he was not comfortable with receiving these compliments because he stopped looking into my eyes and instead had his eyes lowered, staring at the drink in his hands. 

I remembered I brought UNO cards with me for whatever reason and asked him if he wanted to play. "Of course! But don't be sad when I beat you!" he said excitedly.

We played a few rounds while talking about all sorts of stuff but not really getting deep into any topic. I underestimated him because he actually won every round. 

After that we just sat on the couch talking. This time we got deep. After talking about the scary side of motorsport and how he dealt with the horrible reality that at any time something could happen, he asked me what I wanted to do after summer in hopes of lightening up the conversation. I was debating if i should just give him the answer I gave pretty much everyone, saying I was probably going to stay in my comfort zone in Vienna and just study law or if it was time to open up to him. I know we had only known one another for a short time but I felt safe, laying there on the couch in his arms so I decided to let him in on my thoughts.

I told him all about my option of playing it safe and just staying in Vienna where my family and friends were. And then I told him about the other option. For some time now I had been researching universities in Milan where I could study fashion design or fashion marketing. Getting into those schools wasn't the problem, the problems were that I didn't want  to make my parents pay all of that money since all of these schools were private, I was scared to move into a different country, hours away from my family and friends, all alone... On the one hand it felt like the perfect degree for me on the other hand I was having massive doubts if I was up for the challenge, studying fashion design was rough.

I got so deep into it, I was on the verge of tears. Lando had just let me talk and hadn't said anything in a while. When he noticed a single tear rolling down my cheek, he wiped it away with his thumb and gave me a kiss on the cheek where moments before the tear had been. 

"I know we've only known each other for two days but all I can say is that I know for a fact you can do this. And not only do this but you will be the best. You talk about making clothes more passionately than I've ever heard someone talk about something. And I've seen your work. That blue dress you wore yesterday screams perfection, and not just because you were wearing it"

I smiled at him and felt my tears disappearing. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and we decided to watch a movie even though it was already 2 in the morning but we didn't want to waste the few hours we had, sleeping. Easier said than done, we fell asleep shortly after the movie had started, laying there on the couch arm in arm. 

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