'Beth where are you!? Jake said you ran out into the woods and never went home? We're worried about you...'

'Ember I'm fine, I'm staying with someone for a little while.'

'I hate it when you call me that Beth. Does Billy know where you are?'

'I know you do Embry, but I like calling you Ember. I let you call me Beth, so deal with it.' She giggles before continuing.
'Anyway, yeah, Billy knows where I am. He's fine with me staying with Sam and Emily while we try to find out who my real dad is.'

'Billy is letting you stay with Sam Uley!?'

Well so much for a decent conversation, probably hates me already. She thinks to herself. Sighing she responds.

'Yes Embry, he's letting me stay with Sam. There's only 2 kids on the rez who don't know who their dads are, and that's us. So keep an open mind, ass.'

'Fine I'll try to keep an open mind. Are you coming to school tomorrow?'

'I won't be at school for a while, I need to process things, plus we'll be looking for my dad and doing DNA tests and stuff... could you drop my schoolwork by though?'

'Oh okay, and yeah I can bring it by. Jake said he misses you, and that you'll always be his sister, biological or not.'

'I miss him too, just don't tell him that or I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine.'

'No need to get aggressive, I won't tell him. I have to go, goodnight Beth."

'Night Em.'

He hung up and she went right back to staring at the ceiling.

Eventually sleep consumed her, pulling her into a dreamless slumber.


She woke up the next morning and took a shower, getting ready for the day.

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(Her natural hair ^)

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(Her natural hair ^)

She opens the door and the smell of food meets her nose. She hears everyone talking downstairs, soon realizing if she doesn't hurry up there won't be any food left.

She runs down the stairs, jumping from the third step. The conversation stops and everyone looks at her.

"What?" She asks as she sits next to Paul, piling bacon and 3 large muffins on her plate. She looks at them confused as she starts eating.

"Nothing" Sam replies looking at the girl.

"Actually" Jared says "you and Sam kinda look alike."

She rolls her eyes "yeah right dumbass. To a degree we all look alike." She pauses for a moment.
"All I'mma say is, whoever my birth parents are, they're cowards. They left a baby who did nothing, on Billy's doorstep when he already had a baby. I only wanna find out who they are, so I know who I got the genetics from."

Realizing she's shaking, she shoves the last piece of bacon in her mouth before getting up and going out the back door, stripping as she gets closer to the treeline.

When she reaches it, her body erupts into her wolf and she runs through the woods around Emily's house, feeling the wind through her pure white fur.
She eventually decides to go back to the house. When she gets there, Paul is standing there holding the clothes she stripped from.

She phases back and grabs them, genuinely not caring if he sees her naked. Once she's dressed, he holds his hand out and she takes it, as they walk towards the house.

"You know we're gonna have to talk about the bond eventually, right?" She asks as she looks up at him.

"I never wanted an imprint until I imprinted on you, and you on me."


"I felt like the ancestors were controlling enough of me and I didn't want them to control my love life. So I hoped I never imprinted, but fuck, when I looked in your eyes, that changed."

"Everything's changed in the last 24 hours, Paul. I'm atleast glad it was you, given we were childhood friends and all" she responds with a smile as they walk back into the house.

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