Turn 1: Strange Feelings

Start from the beginning

Chrono: "Uh..I mean, I missed you teaching my studies. You know... it's been 2 weeks" (Embarrassed and Blushing)

Tokoha: "Well sorry about that. Anyway, let's start shall we?"

Everyone: "Yeah!"

A couple of hours later

Shion: "Well, let's call it a day!"

Chrono: "Yeah... I'm really tired. It's getting even tougher now." (Sitting on a sofa)

Kazuma: "Well... as long as it goes on, the tougher it gets you know."

Chrono: "Yeah, I know that."

Kazuma: "Well, I gotta go. Bye guys!"

Taiyou: "Me too, bye guys!"

After Kazuma and Taiyou left the shop, Me and Shin preparing to close the shop. Then, Shion asked me a question.

Shion: "So Chrono.... can I ask you a question before you leave?"

Chrono; "Hmm.. what is it?"

Shion: "About that call with Tokoha, what do you mean that you missed her a lot? I'm sure it's not only about studies."

Chrono: (Blushing) "Ehh... wh-wh-what are you ta-talking about?"

Shion: "Based on your expression, there's something else right?"

Chrono: "Eh..." (Blushing and Embarrassed)

Shion: "Well?" (Smirked)

Chrono: "I... I'll tell you tomorrow!"

Shion: "Alright, if that's what you want."

Chrono: "Well, see you later Shion!"

Shion: "See you later!"

At Chrono's Apartment

Chrono: Should I tell him? I mean I didn't even know how that word came out of my mouth. What is with this strange feelings I have these days?! "Gahhhhh!!! This is confusing!!!!" (Screaming)

Mikuru: "Chrono, are you okay?"

Chrono: "I-I'm fine.. Mikuru!" Jeez... I didn't even realize that I scream....

In Paris, Tokoha is teaching a kid how to play Vanguard. At the same time, she is still thinking about what Chrono just said earlier during his study.

Tokoha: I'm still wondering why Chrono said that. It's not like himself, he said that he missed me teaching him, but I don't think that he is the guy that care about such things...

Kid: "Big sis... Big sis."

Tokoha: (Shocked) "Huh..."

Kid: "It's your turn... right Big Sis?"

Tokoha: "Oh yeah... sorry about that." Alright I gotta focus now, I need to stop daydreaming...

The next day, Shion arrived early at Card Capital 2. While Chrono is the next one to arrived, he already knew what's coming.

Chrono: (Sigh) "Just as I thought, you arrived early."

Shion: (Smiling) "Well, are you ready to tell me now?"

Chrono: "Ehm... yeah you can say that. But maybe at the rooftop?"

Shion: "Sure."

At the rooftop

Chrono: (Sigh) "Shion, before I answer your question, can I ask why are you so curious about what I just said yesterday?"

Shion: "Well, maybe it's because when Tokoha couldn't teach you, you're a little bit down. But when she came back yesterday or I should say when her Euro League has finished, you're on a high spirit again. Not to mention about what you just said yesterday that you missed her a lot, I know you're hiding something."

Chrono: "Eh... but that doesn't mean that I'm happy that she lost you know."

Shion: "I know... anyway ready to tell me now? Before Kazuma and the others arrive." (Smirked)

Chrono: Fine... I'll tell you right now!"

Kazuma and Taiyou enter Card Capital 2

Kazuma: "Hmm.. he is not here yet?"

Taiyou: "Really? Shion is still not here either."

Kazuma: "Let's just wait for them, or actually... why don't we cardfight while waiting for them to arrive?"

Taiyou: "Sure, why not!"

Kazuma and Taiyou: "Stand Up... Vanguard!"

After a while

Kazuma: "Attack! Dragstrider, Luard!!!"

Taiyou: Checking the damage trigger, no trigger and it's 6/6. "Well, you're getting even stronger now, Kazuma"

Kazuma: "And you're getting even stronger as well. I could have lost there if it wasn't for the damage trigger that I draw."

Chrono: "Oh... you're here already?"

Kazuma: "Eh?! You're here already? Kiba as well?"

Chrono: "Well, we're just at the rooftop earlier."

Taiyou: "Eh.. I see."

Shion: "Chrono has something to talk to you guys, but he'll do it after the study. So, shall we begin?"

Kazuma: "Oh... well let's go then!"

Chrono: "Yeah! Let's go!"

Shion: (Whispering to Chrono) "By the way, Tokoha is going to help you as well today, so keep your cool alright!"

Chrono: (Blushing) "Y-Yeah I-I know."

Shion: "Well, let's begin your study today" (Smiled)

Chrono: "Yeah!"


Turn 2: Chrono's True Feelings

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