Chapter 27 : Again

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Lee leaves us that afternoon as promised. Even though we'll miss him, it's for the best anyways. Bossman has us working like dogs today trying to get the camp ready for our last round of campers.

The Old Timers are my favourite group. They don't need any extra help like the Seedling or Saplings. They are old and mature enough to realize the rules and can take care of themselves. In all honesty, it is a nice break for us Counsellors.

"Almost done, Tuffs?" Ace calls to me from the stall on the other end of the bathroom.

I finish scrubbing down the toilet and call back "One more to go."

Together, we clean the last stall and head out of the bathrooms to meet the others.

"What else is left?" Charlotte asks when we reach her.

"Picnic tables and storage room." I answer glumly.

It is a beautiful day out and I'd much rather be in the lake. I just keep reminding myself that I'm getting paid for this shit. It will all benefit me in the long run.

When everyone is done, we make our way to the Dam. We stop outside and start to hose down the picnic tables. It takes about ten minutes longer than usual because of a water pump malfunction but in the end we got it done. It is way past lunchtime when we finish.

Stomachs growling, we head into the Dam in search of Mickey and his cooking. He greets us with a smile and hotdogs waiting for us. I grab my plate and fill it, racing to a table to start eating. If I didn't get food in my stomach right now, I fear it will start to eat itself.

"You're gonna choke, Auto, slow down." Evie giggles from beside me.

"Nah, I got this. I know how to eat." I answer in between bites.

I'm on my second hot dog when Ace sits down next to me. I slow down my eating when his hand finds its way to my thigh. He rubs his thumb in circles on the inside of my leg, causing my stomach to explode into butterflies.

He grins, knowing exactly what he is doing. Bastard, trying to distract me from eating. How rude is that?

I place my hand over his, stilling his movements. I quickly scarf down the rest of my plate then release his hand. His fingers resume their rubbing.

I smile and try to pay attention to the conversation but I can't. Those damn fingers are very distracting.

Luckily I am saved by the torture when Bossman walks in. He is sweating and his face is red - my dad's telltale signs for stress.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, a frown playing on my lips.

"Steven Davis just upped the price. We are going to need a lot more money to save the camp." He runs his hands over his head.

"Damnnit." I bawl my hands into fists.

Fuck Steven Davis and his stupid money.

"What are we going to do?" Evie asks worriedly.

"If we can raise more than our target at our next fundraiser..." Charlotte trails off.

"It won't be enough. We'll need double that." My dad shakes his head.

"Then lets double the fundraisers. If we can get even close to the turnout of the spikeball tournament we might have a chance." I say, hope fluttering in my chest.

Bossman pauses, thinking. "That could work. I'll have to let you guys be in charge of that. I'm too swamped to do much else. I officially approve an ideas you have. Unless it's stupid. Don't do anything stupid."

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