Chapter 10: Moo

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"Truth or dare." Charlotte looks at Archer.


"I dare you to..." she trails off, thinking, "chug the rest of your root beer."

"Seriously? I just got a new one." Archer groans  but stands up, ready to complete his dare.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" The rest of chant as Arch downs his can.

The Seedlings had gone to bed about an hour ago, leaving the Counsellors at the fire. We had a lot more energy than the night before. Hence the truth or dare game.

Archer let's out a huge burp when he finishes. "All done." He turns his can upside down with a triumphant grin.

"Nice one, man." Ace gives him a fist bump.

"Who's next?" Archer asks.

"Me." I say.

"Okay, Auto, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I say, challenging him to do the worst.

"Howl at the moon for us. Really bring out your inner wolf." Archer laughs evilly.

"Oh god." I mumble to myself.

I decide if I'm going to do this, I better go all in. I stand up and walk over to an open bench. I climb on carefully.

Looking over at my audience of five I say, "You guys ready for this?"

They all nod their heads eagerly, Evie and Charlotte even go as far as clapping for me. I let out an airy laugh before I focus on the task at hand.

I lean my head back and let out a loud howl. It's my best try. I end my howl, laughing.

I jump down from the bench and make brief eye contact with Ace, who is pissing himself laughing. The others are the same way.

"That, my dear friend, was amazing. Are you sure you weren't raised by wolves?" Archer cackles.

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny." I giggle. "Whose next?"

Ace raises his hand. My heart beats a little faster at the sight of him. Stupid body.

"Okay, newbie, truth or dare?"

"I feel like I need to choose dare." Ace laughs, "so dare." His stormy eyes dance in the fire light.

All I can say is thank god for the fire - my blush blends right in with the light from the flames.

"I dare you to... sing the chorus of your favourite song."

I say this for two reasons. One, it's a pretty simple dare. And two, I want to hear him sing again.

"Challenge accepted, Tuffs." Ace grins and stands up.

I take my place on the bench and look at him curiously. He clears his throat and takes a breath in.

I'm definitely not staring at his Adam's apple or anything. Or at least, that's what I tell myself when he starts to sing.

I instantly recognize the song.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"

We all laugh when he jumps up on the bench, his performance taking off. He hold his hand in a fist, pretending he is holding a microphone.

"Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality."

Ace belts out the next verse of Bohemian Rhapsody and I'd be lying if it wasn't one of the greatest things I've seen. He walks and jumps around the benches gracefully, singing his heart out.

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