Chapter 32 : The Old Timers

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The Old Timers.

The perfect age.

Fifteen to eighteen - thought there is no one older than seventeen this year.

Freaking amazing if you ask me.

They are a dream. They feed themselves, take care of their own space, and are there for a good time. It is basically hanging out with a bunch of friends.

I've also known almost all of them from my past years at the camp. There are only a handful of newbies. Mainly all of them are girls. Sucks for the boys.

For the Old Timers, we split them up so that the boys are bunking with Ace, Archer, or Dax and the girls are with Evie, Lottie, or me. Everyone is more comfortable that way.

The only problem is there are only four guy campers compared to the eight girl campers. Like I said before, take the L boys.

Archer takes two campers; James and Sam. James is seventeen while Sam has apparently just turned sixteen. James has dark hair, dark eyes, and a dark complexion. He is quiet and shy. A tad overweight but nothing a couple weeks at Beaver Falls won't fix. Besides, his goofy smile is award winning. James' appearance is the complete opposite of Sam, who could be the in the dictionary under the definition of "surfer". Shaggy blond hair, bright blue eyes, tanned skin. Yup. Surfer. He even has the outgoing personality of one. Silly jokes and a whole lot of confidence.

Dax bunks with a guy named Connor. He is just as shy as his Head Counsellor. About a head shorter though. Connor is a blonde with chocolate brown eyes and a crooked smile. I've known Connor for a while and let me tell you, that man should be a stand up comedian. I mean, if he gets over the stage fright of course. It doesn't matter though, I enjoy his humour and I appreciate it every time it makes an appearance.

And lastly, Phillip is with Ace. Turns out Phillip is another volleyball player and so those two bond instantly. I almost roll my eyes at the sight of them talking excitedly between each other. Phillip is new to the camp this year but I can already see him fitting in just fine. He's on the younger side of this group but it doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest. Phillip has short brown hair - a shade or two lighter than Ace's - and piercing green eyes. They are so green they almost match the pine trees surrounding us. He is just under Ace's height but that could change at anytime considering he's only sixteen.

And that's the end of the boys.

Evie and I take three girls while Charlotte takes two.

My three girls are all seventeen, making this either their last or second last year at camp. First there is Aimee, a girl who is so blond she makes the sun look dim; who lights up the entire room with her smile, and is the same height as me. Then there is Claire. A girl with light brown hair, skinny build, and her mouth is full of the biggest case of sarcasm you will ever hear. However, she is quiet as a mouse until she's comfortable. Lastly, there is Peyton. Brown hair paired with adorable brown eyes. She is the perfect mix of athletic and nerdy, knowing just the right time to pull out her skills. She also happens to speak French, which will come in handy later.

Bunked with Evelyn there is Emma, Graysen, and Daniela (but she likes to be called Dani). Emma is this short, feisty blond who is extremely outgoing. She doesn't have a quiet button and her laugh changes every time it comes out of her mouth. Graysen is a short brunette with curls that I could never achieve in a million years. Her eyelashes are long and she has an adorable button nose. She snorts when she laughs hard, which in turn makes everyone around her light up with smiles. Dani is another brunette but her hair is much darker than Graysen's. When she swims in the lake it turns to a shade just lighter than black. Dani is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet and she's genuinely funny.

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